Who should Dragoban ban next?

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Imagine Zoro awakening his Oden Hollow powers from Enma and manifest Oden hollow face mask over his face like Ichigo to finaly defeat King.

Oda is a Bleach fan confirmed. :finally:
ZoLo madman now is talking about the straw hat having someone else haki in it because Enma probably carries Oden haki inside itself.

Truly spreading bullshit just to justify his favorite character :cheers:
Yeah, I'm just speaking on what we have right now, lol. If the panels change anything then ofc, I will too. It's probably gonna be something related to how Queen did something special with his DF maybe. That, but with his race.
I put that on the fact King's race is helping him against zoro to counter his attacks. Since this matchup looks a lots like mr.1 vs zoro, not based on strenght but by the skill.
Oh my God man yes you did! You know fully well what I'm talking about. He wasn't hiding any of those people for plot. Law was revealed the same chapter. You KNEW Blackbeard and Kid were those silhouettes, he was hiding their designs.

This is isn't rocket science lmao. Hiyori was last seen in 974, then 30 chapters later we see a silhouette that didn't reveal her has Hiyori. Do you know what red herrings are? Do you know why authors write them? That's what I'm talking about. It's a clear narrative technique to bait and switch what you think is happening.

The *obvious* is Hiyori. We know this. But we also know we never saw Toki die, OR we don't know the rules behind what the fire festival does with dead people. The arc has a lot to do with ghosts and being one metaphorically.
Law wasn't revealed in the same chapter, Law was revealed 5 chapters after the clear hints of his abilities were shown, and the scale doesn't matter.

Yeah the bait and switch was the toki-like appearance. Also this whole ghost theory is straight up nonsense
Orochi probably met denjiro whos infront of hiyori
Maybe king will use an attack that non purposely serperates hiyori and orochi from denjiro so that zoro and hiyori can finally get they're moment against him
Denjiro already helped decapitate Orochi. They think he's dead.

This is why I don't think it's Hiyori. Something "hidden" healed the scabbards and led Orochi to them, even as Orochi has been hiding after losing 7 of his heads. Just weird to me that Oda has been hiding Hiyori of all people for more more 60 chapters lol
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