Who should Dragoban ban next?

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The medicine didn't fully rrcover his body. That's why he still scuffed up and breathing so heavy even though he's been fighting for less than 15 minutes.

The purpose to attacks that cause internal damage is it allows the user to bypass durable bodies. It doesn't mean it's stronger than attacks that cause external damage. Even Luffy acknowledged that his internal damage attacks were too shallow.


Zoro: So in the end, for both Dragons and you Dinosaurs...
Zoro: ...is durability is your forte!!?
King: !!!
King: That's correct...but it's even more so for me!!
King: You see...I might just be a tad unique/special!!
King: I'll be a good sport and challenge you with swords!!
Zoro: I've cut him several times but he doesn't bleed...!!!
Zoro: His wings move...
Zoro: ...so it isn't just a decoration but...
Zoro: I'm still yet to confirm if it enables him to fly
Zoro: A flame keeps burning behind his back...
Zoro: I thought it was just a part of his devil fruit ability but...
Zoro: ...that doesn't seem to be the case
Zoro: ...!!!

Queen is 95% of King by portrayal, and has been consistently hyped as having incredibly good durability ever scene we've seen him in, this is the first time King's durability has been hyped, but Queen's has been throughout all the chapters so far.
All the Dinosaurs are hyped to have good durability. Have you been reading the damn arc? This King hype puts his over Kaido dragon form and Dinos.

He literally stated it.
Queen is 95% of King by portrayal, and has been consistently hyped as having incredibly good durability ever scene we've seen him in, this is the first time King's durability has been hyped, but Queen's has been throughout all the chapters so far.
kaido even more so, anyone who think king have better durability than kaido must be reading zoro piece:gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
Are his defenses (wings) not straight up above Kaido's (scales)? One tanked an attack like nothing while other was cleaved through.

I mean, it's practically a fact. You have to be an autist to deny that. The only difference is King's Armor are his wings while Kaido has full body scales barring face lol
King is on FULL GUARD and his wings act as swords the way he uses them, presumably with CoA.

Kaido took lots of G4 ryuo enhanced attacks and shrugged it off with mild internal damage only, King can't do that; King get's washed badly by that level of attack.

Zoro's tatsumaki grazed Kaido in one spot that instantly regenerated (after unleashing Enma properly), and Kaido was distracted trying to swallow Luffy, not on full guard with his wings in cross block fashion with CoA and flames used to mitigate the damage.
Queen is just a fat ass

Feats and what they show on-screen are part of portrayal. It's literally retarded to try and apply the logic "Everything King does, Queen can do despite never showing anything remotely close to that level" just because King and Queen often stand side-by-side.

The mere fact that you need to use that logic in an argument alone shows you have no argument to begin with.

Zoro fainted but Korean spoiler and lance left it out

Sanji didn’t fainted but Korean provider wrote it in

Ik you're trolling but what Zoro's doing this chapter is literally this:

If you genuinely think that's fainting, then I'd be concerned lol
people who suggested king>kaido in durability need to be banned at this rate:kobeha:
Stay in denial. Tatsumaki dealt 0 damage to King's wings yet fucked Kaido up in his most durable form.

@Hanzo hattori what happened bro, I thought you were unbiased when it comes to Beast Pirates.
Yet first you ranked Yamao higher than King.
Now you like his post, are you now in denial too that King's wings is durable than Kaido's dragon scales?

Kaido on the otherhand just took the attack.
In his most durable form that already hyped since act 1.
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