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Cope Doctor
Look god never made this law.. its a NORM again.

I'll give you that our Prophet (peasce be upon him was ordered to marry Aisha (may allah be pleased with her) but that doesn't mean or goes for us right now as well since its a different time.. in Islam there is a concept of Qiyas its basically innovation based on how the world evolves and rightly making laws around the changes to better accommodate ourselves to the society .. that is done by our scholars.. if our scholars decide that the norms have changed then the rules would change as well...and thats has what happened..

and beside you're not telling me anything regarding what wrong when back in ancient times girls that hit Puberty early were engaged and could sign or completion of marriage..

do you even know what marriage is in Islam?
we once were all monkeys that lived by laws of nature. I dont really want to get involved into this discussion anymore with you becouse I like you as a person despite if our way of belief of certain things differs.... anyone can take even bible and make it work to the way they want it to work and they allready did so, same happen to all religions. is there a god or is there not is different question... but warlords and kings never would have been gods chosen
we once were all monkeys that lived by laws of nature. I dont really want to get involved into this discussion anymore with you becouse I like you as a person despite if our way of belief of certain things differs.... anyone can take even bible and make it work to the way they want it to work and they allready did so, same happen to all religions. is there a god or is there not is different question... but warlords and kings never would have been gods chosen
now get your POV you lack any knowledge in Islam so it doesn't make sense to you..

especially with the monke.

you don't know god's role and his perspective in Islam hence you come to vague and distortedly confused conclusions
I wonder sometimes how open we all are to things that are new to us , new ways to understand the world
duh.. now i believe my prime ancestor came from heaven now if you say that to an atheist believer in evolution he's gonna take that as a mad man's fairy tale knowing not about the mad man's religion


Cope Doctor
How did you chose your pagan belief? Is it your personal choice or a family tradition?
Im the only pagan in my family, I love traditions of our ancestors , they arent about god who tells you whats right or wrong... to kill those who dont believe or to manipulate everyone into believing what you believe.... its abaout believing in nature , giving her sacrifice to have yourself a good home , food, and safe shelter....
Im the only pagan in my family, I love traditions of our ancestors , they arent about god who tells you whats right or wrong... to kill those who dont believe or to manipulate everyone into believing what you believe.... its abaout believing in nature , giving her sacrifice to have yourself a good home , food, and safe shelter....
You should learn more about Islam truly.. you're honestly making all the wrong assumptions about it.. Allah isn't your average folk lore diety, to me he's more than a mere folk lore but to you he'd be interesting just try watching some videos regarding learned people talking about the religion i k you'll come to love it if not join it
I meant muhhamad and hes wife Aisha
First of all you have to be respectful when you talk about such a holy figure

Second of all you are looking at this from your 21th century perspective, and you probably never even read about him or how he lived

it’s sad that you seem to have been fed this specifically selected info,in which by the way might not be true since there many other narrations about her age one of it from her own elder sister indicating that she was much older than that

did you know that the prophets wifes other than Aisha, where all widows and divorcees? Some of them were actually much older than him too
It was a man who cared and looked after the neglected

also Aisha herself was a strong woman, not only that she became the fist scholar of Islam and taught MEN about the religion and narrated more than 2000 sayings of the prophet, she also lead an army later in her life!
Please read about prophet Muhammad from Muslims , don’t allow anyone to deceive you

I guarantee you that that you will find out how he was the sweetest and most beautiful human being that walked the earth
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