Zoro vs King CoC Clash?!

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just enjoy OP for what it is at this point. An inconsistently written story that sometimes has cool moments.

Those cool moments are ruined if you think too hard about it or think at all because it won't make sense. I think this chapter is good for the character development.
I don't care about these things as it has been like this even in preskip. I am just directing to this one particular fanbase for their double standard takes.
Yeah it's hindering a weakened zoro who just got whooped by king most of the fight. In regular health it wouldn't bother zoro much as we've already seen.

You are literally reiterating what I've been saying in this forum for the past 2 hours in that last part. Glad we can agree on that
1. Cap. It hinder his usage of using all if his haki since he had to constantly worry of regulating his haki

2. Yes if you agree that the same thing that zoro is doing go enma he is also simultaneously also doing to his other blades
Lol, worst gen doesn't represent the whole international fanbase. And Luffy is more popular than Zoro in rest of Asian countries and US. Zoro is more popular in European and middle east countries.

Zoro vs King got more focus and done well. I don't think people hyped for Zoro vs King from the beginning given how these people said low diff, no diff nonsense. Luffy vs Kaidou still in infant stage. Barely seen anything. And Zoro fanbase known for their double standards, I think they have only one stand towards any other character not named Zoro.
Cry. :akasalt:


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
OK...Once again Oda hypes his whole race not his own skill....
Me : "Why can't King lose to zoro" "why is King durable?" "Why is King worldly known as top fighter?"
Queen & Oda "cause he's lunarian, peoplewho can survive any nature condition"

"King can self destruction thus beats Doffy"? Lol Doffy & Kata tanked explosions and didn't even get damaged. As if explosions gonna hurt or beat them.

"If you need adcoc to hurt king, king > YCs /doffy" every lunarian has this dura so I guess every lunarian is above Doffy and Marco based on this dumb logic. Unlike kaido, King's dura is something every lunarian has.

"King is stronger cause he tanked self explosion and 2 more mid tier moves " lol King fans are now like doffy fans wank him above Kata for being tanky.
Doffy and Katakuri tanked Luffy's strongest moves before losing. All while being weakened (gk /self stab) . Let's see if King gonna tank Zoro's best moves before losing. Let's seen if weakened King can even fight for an hour like doffy did or 3hrs like Katakuri did.

Seems like Every lunarian has this weakness about their durability in their stomach.

Until King shows Advanced haki or awakening even, he's not above Doffy yet and still below Katakuri ! For now He's only physically stronger.
Nothing changed much: Katakuri (FS CoC awakening) > Doffy (CoC awakening) >= King (lunaria) ~ Marco (regen)

BTW Told Y'all Oda always show Visuals when someone uses CoC/adcoc!
Anyway not gonna comment much on how people getting PUs cheap (a few know my take on discord already)
Copium KING level.
1. Cap. It hinder his usage of using all if his haki since he had to constantly worry of regulating his haki

2. Yes if you agree that the same thing that zoro is doing go enma he is also simultaneously also doing to his other blades
Lmao the way you're saying it... enma isn't a power up at all to zoro. Even tho the manga infers and implies otherwise. I'm not gonna argue this dumbshit with an idiot.
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