Sanjibros in the mud
Sanjibros been in the mud ever since Pudding came into the story

people need to accept that Pudding is a GREAT match for Sanji. I don't know why a lot of people hate her. Not talking about someone specifically.
I wonder if oda will keep going with it and giving the other strawhats eachother abilities🤔
Like giving jinbe the human fruit or something lol
Think Oda will go in the order of who joined and the use the power of the person who came after them.
Like this:
Zoro = Luffy's style
Nami = Zoro's Style
Ussop = Nami's style
Sanji = Ussop's style
Chopper = Sanji's style (I would LOVE to see this one. Just the idea of Chopper having flamed legs sounds epic).
Robin = Chopper's style (Don't know how this would would work, ngl).
Franky = Robin's style
Brook = Franky's style
Jinbe = Brook's style.
I know the list looks weird, and I'm almost certain the last few aren't gone happen, due to them nearly impossible to draw, but we will have to wait and see.
For now, I think Ussop's, Sanji's, and Chopper's drawings would work. A good match would be Chopper's DF with Brook, think Oda would simply draw him as a human.