Riboku's back of the head on the cover page was glorious.
Lol, if Renpa were to return to Zhao and fight Kanki, Zhao would achieve absolute victory already. But man, this dumb bitch Kakukai and his gang knew that if Renpa were to return to Zhao, the whole council would get massacred due to the fact that Renpa doesn't like the previous king, Toujou, and his son Sen, is about, if not, more ferocious than Toujou himself. I can't blame Kakukai though, that's like releasing a wild tiger in a open space Lmao.
Renpa got so much hype that Rinshoujo (who is stated to be Renpa's equal) would be no match for him. That's crazy. This fellow Chou Kotsu seems hype. However, his name doesn't match the
guy that will replace Riboku in the future which is Zhao Cong. After that, they decided to call Riboku back (Ha, suck it Kakukai), and he's probably even stronger than before. Can't wait for Riboku vs Kanki showdown (Although we should know the result by now).
Kingdom greatness is back baby!!!!!