Break Week It's time to accept Oden's wank even is tiring

Oden is one of the laziest written characters ever of One Piece imo.

And its even more shocking to say this when it's creator is Oda, who has written so many better, more nuanced, complex characters. Oden is nothing but a all muscle and no brained meathead, who Oda wanks so hard and wants us readers to suck off on the oden dick with the force of a million vacuum cleaners.

oden's chadness comes off as so 'forced' i honestly don't know what Oda was thinking. The wank is off the charts:

Introducing him by cooking Oden on the bones off a deceased person, a careless person who angers the mountain god by stealing its baby, married the baby maker Toki. Revealed to be ridiculously strong and has met almost all the pirate legends, from Kaido to Whitebeard to even Roger himself. And yet prior to Zou we knew fuck all about him. Oda really should have given him better foreshadowing, OR do a better job of his backstory and flashback in the Wano Arc. Yet imo Oda incredibly failed at both.

I still don't understand why the scarrabs still hold unquestionable loyalty and praise for Oden, when Oden's abandonment of Wano in search for adventure has him partly to blame for Wano's problems and being taken over by Kaido in the first place. Oden left Wano when he knew Sukiyaki was sick and may pass away someday in the near future, Oden knew Orochi was untrustworthy yet he still continued to give him money.

Then when oden returns from his travels with Whitebeard and Roger, he is 'shocked' to find out that Kaido and Orochi have taken over Wano, "OMG, i totally didn't see that coming!" Oh and by the way your baby making wife Toki also got shot by a arrow to the leg.

So what does Oden do? Rushes head first like he always does into confronting Orochi without coming up with a plan or thinking about the consequences. Orochi and kaido are then alerted by Orochi's return.

Oden leaves Kaido and Orochi alive, which also leaves them to get stronger in the future. Fucking WHAT?? Why?? Oh because Oden 'cares' about the people Kuri and orochi and Kaido threatens to kill them? Why does Oden suddenly care about the people of Kuri now? Not in a day of his life has oden ever cared or administered Kuri when he was still Sukiyaki's son, other than killing a mountain boar, a threat that Kinemon caused because he stole her baby. And because of Oden's aggression against Orochi, Kaido and Orochi soon realized Oden's threat, but Chad Oden or 'Chaden' still left them alive without thinking of the repercussions.

What does he do next? Dance naked for fucking 5 years! that's all he did! Oden let his enemies Kaido and Orochi to get stronger, and prepare for their rematch by giving Kaido a 5 year head start.

So then the rematch comes and this is where Oden's string carelessness and mistakes finally catch up with him. He gets tricked by a fake momo and then gets taken down by a bonk from Kaido.

But wait, even though Oden is finally defeated the wank ain't over! Now Ode gives 'Chaden' his final wank by having him stand in a pot of boiling oil for a couple of hours.

And then a miracle happens! Oden finally grows a braincell and realized that Kaido and orochi were gonna kill him anyway and would never leave him alive. Holy fucking shit what a revelation, this dumb monkey finally got some character development! I wonder if the boiling oil finally jolted his brain for a moment.

So then Oden dies by one of his famous signature poses, leaving behind a legacy of tragedy for Wano for the next 20. fucking. years!

But then Oda says i'm not done yet!

Oda then gives Oden's mistakes and responsibilities to his retainers and Kinemon, who like Oden, didn't do much other than let Wano rot for 20 years by escaping with their lives 20 years into the future, only to lose again and get put down by Kaido a second time! If it weren't for Luffy and so many other plot conveniences and dumb luck, the overthrow of Kaido would have totally failed.

And that's it. What else has oden done? Oh that's right he helped give birth to a shit stain of a son that is Momonosuke. Who is just as obnoxious as his father, only difference is that he's weak as a baby. Why do the people of Wano still respect his son i don't understand.

A kid who is absolutely useless throughout the entire Wano Saga, only to be grown into an adult with the help of a devil fruit when its time for him to shine, how convenient. TBF its probably unfair to hate on a 12 year old, but knowing he's Oden's son and that this is all Oden was capable of in bringing him up tells a lot about Oden and his life skills outside of fighting, which i say is pretty much none. I can understand why Kaido was disappointed when he saw momo again and i think he's right.

However, i do have one nice thing to say about about Oden, and that's Oden really helped me like Kaido, as a character or as a villain. Cause without being compared to the dumbass that is Oden, kaido would still be nothing but a walking meathead right now, but Kaido's team up with Orochi to takedown Oden really made me like Kaido a lot more as a villian. And it also made me like Kaido a lot more as a character-to think it would take Kaido of all people, the villian who Momo is trying to take down and overthrow- to see through Momo and tell him that his words to him of becoming Shogun while genuine, was still coming off on the heels of living in Oden's shadow. Kaido is really the only person other than Kinemon who sees Momo for who he is and speaks some truth to the kid, when his retainers have done nothing but praise Momo endlessly to a fault to the point his head is filled with the ego as full as a hot air balloon.

EDIT: Forgot to add: #FUCKLODEN
The wano back story didnt make sense for me. Oden looks like the dumbest character in one piece so far. I mean, right from the begining he can just simply ask help from the former roger pirates or also whitebeard to get rid of Kaido and Orochi. At least someone like Rayleigh would love to help him. Yet he did it himself and even that he waited until Hyogoro got wiped out thus minimalizing his chance to win. And as consequences of his action, his wife got killed, his daughter become a prostitute, and his people suffer for years. And they still being loyal to Oden? Now thats a joke.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Fuck Oden. Piece of garbage ass cringe fucking clown.
How does Oda makes a charismatic character?
By making everyone love said character for no reason at all.
Fucking exaggerate everything the character does no matter how it breaks your "power scaling" later.
And then, like the stubborn proud author that Oda is, simply wank the character more and more if people don't like him.
Insert the character in every fucking moment until the end of the story so people have no choice but to deal with said character.
Oda rushes everything he does.
You know why the story feels dragged sometimes even if he rushes everything?
Just think it like this.
Instead of having Whiskey Peak+Little Garden+Drum Island+Alabasta, we have all of these arcs combined...IN WHISKEY PEAK.
Oda crams a bunch of stuff and character inside the arc because he simply can't let go of ideas so he rushes all of the plots and character developments and we are supposed to like it or be hyped about it because there's a narrator's box or character saying that we should be hyped about something or someone.
Fuck this stupid ass cringe ass Chuck Norris clown.
"hurr durr harem war".
Not even OPM, that is clearly written as a parody of shounen and doesn't take itself too seriously, reaches this level of cringe.

Fuck lolden all my bros hate lolden.
Oden is one of the laziest written characters ever of One Piece imo.

And its even more shocking to say this when it's creator is Oda, who has written so many better, more nuanced, complex characters. Oden is nothing but a all muscle and no brained meathead, who Oda wanks so hard and wants us readers to suck off on the oden dick with the force of a million vacuum cleaners.

oden's chadness comes off as so 'forced' i honestly don't know what Oda was thinking. The wank is off the charts:

Introducing him by cooking Oden on the bones off a deceased person, a careless person who angers the mountain god by stealing its baby, married the baby maker Toki. Revealed to be ridiculously strong and has met almost all the pirate legends, from Kaido to Whitebeard to even Roger himself. And yet prior to Zou we knew fuck all about him. Oda really should have given him better foreshadowing, OR do a better job of his backstory and flashback in the Wano Arc. Yet imo Oda incredibly failed at both.

I still don't understand why the scarrabs still hold unquestionable loyalty and praise for Oden, when Oden's abandonment of Wano in search for adventure has him partly to blame for Wano's problems and being taken over by Kaido in the first place. Oden left Wano when he knew Sukiyaki was sick and may pass away someday in the near future, Oden knew Orochi was untrustworthy yet he still continued to give him money.

Then when oden returns from his travels with Whitebeard and Roger, he is 'shocked' to find out that Kaido and Orochi have taken over Wano, "OMG, i totally didn't see that coming!" Oh and by the way your baby making wife Toki also got shot by a arrow to the leg.

So what does Oden do? Rushes head first like he always does into confronting Orochi without coming up with a plan or thinking about the consequences. Orochi and kaido are then alerted by Orochi's return.

Oden leaves Kaido and Orochi alive, which also leaves them to get stronger in the future. Fucking WHAT?? Why?? Oh because Oden 'cares' about the people Kuri and orochi and Kaido threatens to kill them? Why does Oden suddenly care about the people of Kuri now? Not in a day of his life has oden ever cared or administered Kuri when he was still Sukiyaki's son, other than killing a mountain boar, a threat that Kinemon caused because he stole her baby. And because of Oden's aggression against Orochi, Kaido and Orochi soon realized Oden's threat, but Chad Oden or 'Chaden' still left them alive without thinking of the repercussions.

What does he do next? Dance naked for fucking 5 years! that's all he did! Oden let his enemies Kaido and Orochi to get stronger, and prepare for their rematch by giving Kaido a 5 year head start.

So then the rematch comes and this is where Oden's string carelessness and mistakes finally catch up with him. He gets tricked by a fake momo and then gets taken down by a bonk from Kaido.

But wait, even though Oden is finally defeated the wank ain't over! Now Ode gives 'Chaden' his final wank by having him stand in a pot of boiling oil for a couple of hours.

And then a miracle happens! Oden finally grows a braincell and realized that Kaido and orochi were gonna kill him anyway and would never leave him alive. Holy fucking shit what a revelation, this dumb monkey finally got some character development! I wonder if the boiling oil finally jolted his brain for a moment.

So then Oden dies by one of his famous signature poses, leaving behind a legacy of tragedy for Wano for the next 20. fucking. years!

But then Oda says i'm not done yet!

Oda then gives Oden's mistakes and responsibilities to his retainers and Kinemon, who like Oden, didn't do much other than let Wano rot for 20 years by escaping with their lives 20 years into the future, only to lose again and get put down by Kaido a second time! If it weren't for Luffy and so many other plot conveniences and dumb luck, the overthrow of Kaido would have totally failed.

And that's it. What else has oden done? Oh that's right he helped give birth to a shit stain of a son that is Momonosuke. Who is just as obnoxious as his father, only difference is that he's weak as a baby. Why do the people of Wano still respect his son i don't understand.

A kid who is absolutely useless throughout the entire Wano Saga, only to be grown into an adult with the help of a devil fruit when its time for him to shine, how convenient. TBF its probably unfair to hate on a 12 year old, but knowing he's Oden's son and that this is all Oden was capable of in bringing him up tells a lot about Oden and his life skills outside of fighting, which i say is pretty much none. I can understand why Kaido was disappointed when he saw momo again and i think he's right.

However, i do have one nice thing to say about about Oden, and that's Oden really helped me like Kaido, as a character or as a villain. Cause without being compared to the dumbass that is Oden, kaido would still be nothing but a walking meathead right now, but Kaido's team up with Orochi to takedown Oden really made me like Kaido a lot more as a villian. And it also made me like Kaido a lot more as a character-to think it would take Kaido of all people, the villian who Momo is trying to take down and overthrow- to see through Momo and tell him that his words to him of becoming Shogun while genuine, was still coming off on the heels of living in Oden's shadow. Kaido is really the only person other than Kinemon who sees Momo for who he is and speaks some truth to the kid, when his retainers have done nothing but praise Momo endlessly to a fault to the point his head is filled with the ego as full as a hot air balloon.

EDIT: Forgot to add: #FUCKLODEN
Oden really ruined Wano and the whole NW
Oden was at first interest until Oda started forcing him into anything

That 5 year plot was the dumbest writing ever
Making Kaido invade wank before 20+ years ago was a huge mistake!


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Fuck Oden because he is clown, dancing naked, spamming open border speech, shoved by Oda to readers' throat in every single chance, and this, and that!!!


All hail Oden's cosplayer... because she is good looking!!!!!
As much as I hate this clown. Fam. His stupid ass could've won back then and there when he come back from the journey. They literally made him look like the most retarded clown. Allowed Kaido to catch up to him for 5 years and ruined everything.

But I also blame the Wano clans. This is why I hate this country and I hope it gets sunk.

Shouldn't all clans gather up to Oden in between those 5 years and offer their armies ready to march at Kaido xD????????

Especially when we found out that Ushitmaru was another Oden cheerleader.

Dude. This arc is so fucking wrong.
As much as I hate this clown. Fam. His stupid ass could've won back then and there when he come back from the journey. They literally made him look like the most retarded clown. Allowed Kaido to catch up to him for 5 years and ruined everything.

But I also blame the Wano clans. This is why I hate this country and I hope it gets sunk.

Shouldn't all clans gather up to Oden in between those 5 years and offer their armies ready to march at Kaido xD????????

Especially when we found out that Ushitmaru was another Oden cheerleader.

Dude. This arc is so fucking wrong.
Imagine when Whitebeard and Roger had their small war, they did it in Wano...

Could have solved Oden's problem easily. Orochi and his fodders KOed by CoC clash, Kaido and his goons ran away after seeing whom Oden befriends with.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Imagine when Whitebeard and Roger had their small war, they did it in Wano...

Could have solved Oden's problem easily. Orochi and his fodders KOed by CoC clash, Kaido and his goons ran away after seeing whom Oden befriends with.
Fuck Roger and WB.

Imagine if Rayleigh told Oden that he doesn't have anything to do and he will rest on Wano for a few weeks.

Rayleigh would solo Kaido not even talking Oden:ihaha:

I wish I never read this fucking show and start to like a few characters because I only read it to see how they will end up.

Don't care about the story progression ( as if there is any ) since Marineford.
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Dude should've accepted Rayleigh's help.
Fuck Roger and WB.

Imagine if Rayleigh told Oden that he doesn't have anything to do and he will rest on Wano for a few weeks.

Rayleigh would solo Kaido not even talking Oden:ihaha:

I wish I never read this fucking show and start to like a few characters because I only read it to see how they will end up.

Don't care about the story progression ( as if there is any ) since Marineford.
Post automatically merged:

According to Loden: "If i cant defeat Kaido,nobody can"

That n1gga puts himself above Roger and WB lol:pepeke:


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Does that matter?In his mind,if he cant defeat Kaido,nobody can.Not sure how mental retardet he was.Roger yeeted him him away
Oden could defeat Kaido straight off the ship. He lowered his chance of doing so by allowing him to grow for those 5 years.

Those 5 years of dancing was Orochi and Kaido taking a piss at Oden's IQ. He could've kill Kaido right then and there, those 5 years allowed Kaido to progress enough so he ain't a bitch to Oden.
Oden is one of the laziest written characters ever of One Piece imo.

And its even more shocking to say this when it's creator is Oda, who has written so many better, more nuanced, complex characters. Oden is nothing but a all muscle and no brained meathead, who Oda wanks so hard and wants us readers to suck off on the oden dick with the force of a million vacuum cleaners.

oden's chadness comes off as so 'forced' i honestly don't know what Oda was thinking. The wank is off the charts:

Introducing him by cooking Oden on the bones off a deceased person, a careless person who angers the mountain god by stealing its baby, married the baby maker Toki. Revealed to be ridiculously strong and has met almost all the pirate legends, from Kaido to Whitebeard to even Roger himself. And yet prior to Zou we knew fuck all about him. Oda really should have given him better foreshadowing, OR do a better job of his backstory and flashback in the Wano Arc. Yet imo Oda incredibly failed at both.

I still don't understand why the scarrabs still hold unquestionable loyalty and praise for Oden, when Oden's abandonment of Wano in search for adventure has him partly to blame for Wano's problems and being taken over by Kaido in the first place. Oden left Wano when he knew Sukiyaki was sick and may pass away someday in the near future, Oden knew Orochi was untrustworthy yet he still continued to give him money.

Then when oden returns from his travels with Whitebeard and Roger, he is 'shocked' to find out that Kaido and Orochi have taken over Wano, "OMG, i totally didn't see that coming!" Oh and by the way your baby making wife Toki also got shot by a arrow to the leg.

So what does Oden do? Rushes head first like he always does into confronting Orochi without coming up with a plan or thinking about the consequences. Orochi and kaido are then alerted by Orochi's return.

Oden leaves Kaido and Orochi alive, which also leaves them to get stronger in the future. Fucking WHAT?? Why?? Oh because Oden 'cares' about the people Kuri and orochi and Kaido threatens to kill them? Why does Oden suddenly care about the people of Kuri now? Not in a day of his life has oden ever cared or administered Kuri when he was still Sukiyaki's son, other than killing a mountain boar, a threat that Kinemon caused because he stole her baby. And because of Oden's aggression against Orochi, Kaido and Orochi soon realized Oden's threat, but Chad Oden or 'Chaden' still left them alive without thinking of the repercussions.

What does he do next? Dance naked for fucking 5 years! that's all he did! Oden let his enemies Kaido and Orochi to get stronger, and prepare for their rematch by giving Kaido a 5 year head start.

So then the rematch comes and this is where Oden's string carelessness and mistakes finally catch up with him. He gets tricked by a fake momo and then gets taken down by a bonk from Kaido.

But wait, even though Oden is finally defeated the wank ain't over! Now Ode gives 'Chaden' his final wank by having him stand in a pot of boiling oil for a couple of hours.

And then a miracle happens! Oden finally grows a braincell and realized that Kaido and orochi were gonna kill him anyway and would never leave him alive. Holy fucking shit what a revelation, this dumb monkey finally got some character development! I wonder if the boiling oil finally jolted his brain for a moment.

So then Oden dies by one of his famous signature poses, leaving behind a legacy of tragedy for Wano for the next 20. fucking. years!

But then Oda says i'm not done yet!

Oda then gives Oden's mistakes and responsibilities to his retainers and Kinemon, who like Oden, didn't do much other than let Wano rot for 20 years by escaping with their lives 20 years into the future, only to lose again and get put down by Kaido a second time! If it weren't for Luffy and so many other plot conveniences and dumb luck, the overthrow of Kaido would have totally failed.

And that's it. What else has oden done? Oh that's right he helped give birth to a shit stain of a son that is Momonosuke. Who is just as obnoxious as his father, only difference is that he's weak as a baby. Why do the people of Wano still respect his son i don't understand.

A kid who is absolutely useless throughout the entire Wano Saga, only to be grown into an adult with the help of a devil fruit when its time for him to shine, how convenient. TBF its probably unfair to hate on a 12 year old, but knowing he's Oden's son and that this is all Oden was capable of in bringing him up tells a lot about Oden and his life skills outside of fighting, which i say is pretty much none. I can understand why Kaido was disappointed when he saw momo again and i think he's right.

However, i do have one nice thing to say about about Oden, and that's Oden really helped me like Kaido, as a character or as a villain. Cause without being compared to the dumbass that is Oden, kaido would still be nothing but a walking meathead right now, but Kaido's team up with Orochi to takedown Oden really made me like Kaido a lot more as a villian. And it also made me like Kaido a lot more as a character-to think it would take Kaido of all people, the villian who Momo is trying to take down and overthrow- to see through Momo and tell him that his words to him of becoming Shogun while genuine, was still coming off on the heels of living in Oden's shadow. Kaido is really the only person other than Kinemon who sees Momo for who he is and speaks some truth to the kid, when his retainers have done nothing but praise Momo endlessly to a fault to the point his head is filled with the ego as full as a hot air balloon.

EDIT: Forgot to add: #FUCKLODEN
fair critique of oden till the edit