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Guys, what do you think jack's named attacks would've been if oda didn't sideline him? Like what's his theme and all
Jack's named attacks should have been named like Fish-Man Karate attacks but in reality they don't have anything to do with karate, basically copying the names of Jinbei attacks.

- Uchimizu: High Pressure Water attack with his trunk

- Yarinami: An attack consisting on shooting his own tusks

With these two attacks, he would have a mid/long range attacks besides being only a tank.

- Cloning (already explained in my thread)

So after Jack and his clones display these attacks on a place. Literally nothing remains, the place becomes a drought...

Sometimes I can't wrap my head around how much of a wasted character Jack is.
Lmao. I also think kidd's theme fits him well, I think he should've gotten disaster themed attacks like idk a move called drought where he absorbs the water in the ground and an attack called "tsunami" or something along the lines where he releases all that water with his trunk
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