Gorosei Informer

This is what happens when Oda shifts the focus off badass Luffy and highlights his goofy/cute attributes.

Won't happen. It's Oda you know this
Of course, he rivals his own good friend Kishimoto and also Horikoshi for making female characters look bad. I mean at least Hori gives me them some major glory, fantastic designs and makes them look badass before he clowns on them or worse but man, Kishimoto, Oda and also Kubo to some degree, sigh....
Oda has been particularly savage towards Kiku and Big Mom too for some reason.

It could have been a wonderful, ironic parallel to Kuina and Zoro's history with her. Zoro struggling or even losing to a female opponent would be so profound and interesting for once. Yet Oda never has him facing anyway and made Tashigi into a complete joke to prevent this too.
This might be one of the reasons why he kept Zoro out of WCI purposely too? Isn't it funny how he keeps avoiding Smoothie can encounter Zoro especially?


