To me it was a good end to the fight, the final stage began with Sanji afraid of losing himself and becoming a Germa monster, and now it ends with him doing the most Sanji thing possible, saving a girl from harm
I guess my issue was "framing" more than anything. Like the F6 fights, for how quick most of them we're, had very impactful looking ends to the villains in that way. Even Jack/Peros got it fine.

Each one of them focused on the Strawhat/Mink Kings when they fell, you saw them terrified or shocked. With Queen, you don't get that. He's paying attention to the Oiran. When Sanji hits him, you never actually see Queen's reaction to being hit. He just does his typical Queen scream with his mouth open. He gets no finishing dialogue with Sanji, or up close reaction. Weirdest thing is just him not even looking or focusing at Sanji at all. For that to be his downfall is jarring as hell

Not to say it can't he done, I just think the framing of the last 3 pages makes it disappointing if that's it, especially for Kaido's #3.
You're expecting a lot
This ain't happening

Sanji won't struggle with his new powers, that happened already before he used IJ
Im expecting what should actually be expected, treating King and Queen like Tobiroppo and Jack isn't really what Oda is looking into, not even close.

But yeah, i could be wrong i know that, which would be disappointing
Eh, he struggled with Jabra and hit him with DJ. Then Jabra came back, reacted to the move, and still attacked Sanji again with something before Sanji kicked him in the face. It was up close and personal.

This was not.
It happened in the same chapter where he won
It didn't happen next chapter or whatever

Sanji uses DJ and won the same way he uses IJ and wins here
There's no second chapter of DJ Sanji vs Jabra
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It happened in the same chapter where he won
It did happen next chapter or whatever

Sanji uses DJ and won the same way he uses IJ and wins here
There's no second chapter of DJ Sanji vs Jabra
And that chapter wasn't title "Vs" anyway.

Aka, we all need to stop comparing anything at all, because Oda does different shit for nearly every fight at all times. This arc alone breaks this mentality:

- Jinbe vs WsW- mostly 1 chapter (when you add the chapter before), has a Vs. Title chapter

- Franky vs Sasaki- less than 1 chapter, no vs. Chapter at all

- Robin vs Black Maria: has a vs Chapter, lasted 2 chapters

- Jack/Peros: mostly offscreen 1 shots, no vs. Titles

- King/Queen: tons of exposition over 10 chapters roughly, Sanji has a vs. Title

We can't confirm anything until tomorrow. Just wait lol....
And that chapter wasn't title "Vs" anyway.

Aka, we all need to stop comparing anything at all, because Oda does different shit for nearly every fight at all times. This arc alone breaks this mentality:

- Jinbe vs WsW- mostly 1 chapter (when you add the chapter before), has a Vs. Title chapter

- Franky vs Sasaki- less than 1 chapter, no vs. Chapter at all

- Robin vs Black Maria: has a vs Chapter, lasted 2 chapters

- Jack/Peros: mostly offscreen 1 shots, no vs. Titles

- King/Queen: tons of exposition over 10 chapters roughly, Sanji has a vs. Title

We can't confirm anything until tomorrow. Just wait lol....
I guess somebody missed my post here where I wrote about the chapters

Lemme do you a favour

People should stop comparing jabra vs sanji to sanji vs Queen

In chapter 415 titled "Sanji vs Jabra", Sanji didn't use DJ! But rather in ch416 "heat up" where he used DJ and won with a series of attacks.
Then 417 "zoro vs Kaku" we see jabra on the floor defeated , chapter focuses on Zoro & 418 "Ashura" where Zoro wins

In chapter 1034 "Sanji vs Queen", Sanji uses IJ and beat up Queen with a series of attacks so we can conclude he won!
Queen will be shown defeated in this chapter 1035 which will be titled "Zoro vs King" where King loses cause zoro is gonna use his new powers (adcoc mixed with ashura? )
1036 we see King shown on the floor defeated at the beginning of the chapter

1034 is 416 where Sanji wins with new PU
1035 is 418 where Zoro wins with new PU
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King vs Zoro this chapter
1036 will focus on Kid/Law vs bm or Luffy vs kaido
Here read this
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Your first mistake is thinking "sanji didn't win in his Vs chapter pre ts"
Instead of thinking: Sanji won in the chapter where he uses DJ for the first time!
And that chapter wasn't title "Vs" anyway.

Aka, we all need to stop comparing anything at all, because Oda does different shit for nearly every fight at all times. This arc alone breaks this mentality:

- Jinbe vs WsW- mostly 1 chapter (when you add the chapter before), has a Vs. Title chapter

- Franky vs Sasaki- less than 1 chapter, no vs. Chapter at all

- Robin vs Black Maria: has a vs Chapter, lasted 2 chapters

- Jack/Peros: mostly offscreen 1 shots, no vs. Titles

- King/Queen: tons of exposition over 10 chapters roughly, Sanji has a vs. Title

We can't confirm anything until tomorrow. Just wait lol....
Sanji has already won. Let’s move on. Best case he won. Worst case scenario is another half a chapter on this mundane mediocre fight.