It's like Morj said, Oda introduced that concept for a reason, and so far that characteristic of the awakened Zoans hasn't had plot relevance in any arc.
It would make a lot of sense for it to come into play now that we're fighitng the strongest Zoan army in the world. And I can't think of any plot points Oda has dropped that were introduced that late into the story. The only one I can think of is Gin, and that was pretty early.
Oda IS that type of ass that would hold that plot point until the absolute last second to keep people guessing lol. It is nuts to me that a 130 chapters deep onto this arc and not one person has mentioned awakening on the Zoan side. And clearly Oda hasn't forgotten about Awakening since he just had Kid/Law do it.
So it REALLY does make me beg question: are Awakened Zoan's revivable tanks? Like I thought Oda would introduce this concept back with the F6 after 1021, but then it didn't happen. I thought we'd first see it with Page 1 since he got 1 shot, but then nada. Then Jack went down, now here we are at the chapter that Queen probably is down (however long he lasts into the chapter).
Then on the flipside of that, I've wonder why certain characters like Usopp, Brook and Chopper were straight up shafted out of a fight when they were practically set up for one at different points. Or why Jinbe and Franky are relatively fine/pushed to their limits after fighting their opponents.
If he actually has them get up next volume, it would explain a lot about what he's done the last ~20 chapters or so. But if not then I don't know what to say lol. Everything "feels" too easy against a Yonko, and thats honestly weird to me, but if they get back up and everyone is forced to deal with endurance monsters who lost but still can get up, then it would totally address WHY he's done what he's done so far.
Idk, we have another 2-3 chapters before the concept either is addressed or ignored I guess.