What is King’s real name?

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The fact that Sanji got so exhausted made Queen look even better, Queen knew this was coming

It's totally explained why Sanji was so fast, since the time he reappeared, used Ifrit Leg and detected Queen, Queen was chasing Osome even before that, it was like the time frooze for Sanji due to his speed, to the point Sanji could blitz Queen before he hits Osome

Thats some crazy ass speed :hohoho:

Only CoO masters and speedsters with immense durability can give Queen a hard fight, not even a question
Sanji literally got Queen cause he got distracted
Queen didn't push him to his limits

He got mid diffed the second sanji used ifrit jambe
Queen pushed him to his limit twice. First time he broke him...literally and then he needed a power up. Then now secondly when even after getting those power ups, he was still getting caught, smashed around blood coming from his forehead and mouth and now we see he's too tired to even stand up Lol.

But nah its a "mid diff" :suresure:
Wait...Wait a damn minute. So the "Lanji mid diffed Queen" stans just got slapped down yo reality by Oda? :cantseeme:

"Queen is equal to King, and Sanji mid diffed him...so hurr durr he's stronger than King." :shame:

This nonce just got pushed to the limit and he's on his ass :emohiyo:

Lanji vs Lueen = High diff fight :ronalaugh:
Why do you prefer being stupid ?
you dont know the context, she was just regain her memories and fall sleep, that attack doesnt make her pass out but fall asleep, that is two different things. thats why queen chained her and sedated her, and you must skip the chapter while he getting ragdolled and playing possum lmao. if that was actual bigmom he face, he will get neg diffed,heck even sanji mid diffed him without adcoc or adcoa lol
Lmaooooooooooooooooooo massive downplay is hilarious but not uncommon on this site

Show me proof in the manga she passed out solely cause her memories came back... I'll be waiting

>Queen attacks big meme
>big meme cries that the spot queen hit was hurting her
>big meme passes out while looking hurt and just after complaining about her head
>worst gen user says it's not cause of queen cause he's coping and needs headcanon to make sense


The Rogue Prince
Queen didn't push him to his limits

He got mid diffed the second sanji used ifrit jambe
Kaku didn't push Zoro to his limits; he got one-shot the moment he used Asura.
Mr. 1 didn't push Zoro to his limits; he got one-shot the moment he used Shishi Sonson.
King didn't push Zoro to his limits; he got beaten in 1 chapter once Zoro unlocked CoC coating.

Fight difficulties are for the entire fight. If you gotta powerup, its a guaranteed high difficulty fight and you are pushed to your limits - especially when Sanji literally almost died to Queen.
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