What is King’s real name?

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King’s weakness is fairly balanced when compared to guys like Kat and Marco

King’s durability is absolutely nuts when his flame is on but off he is a literal glass cannon

Kat can exploit this and he will definitely push King to use his top speed

Marco’s flames are inherently special so he could potentially neutralize his King’s own flame

These three YC1s are around the same level, probably extreme diff to one another. I will give the edge to Kat cuz of Yonko balance (Primebeard > Kaido >= BM > Sickbeard) and haki feats but an argument can be made for any

However no YC1 is beating a YC1 with back up of YC2/3
It did not come up all of a sudden. He didn't passively repair himself, nor was Black Maria aware that Sanji had a exoskeleton when she hit him.

He bled to attacks from the Black Tooth gifter. Does that sound like exoskeleton durability to you? He started awakening it in chapter 1022 and it came in 1028.

You're still not going to change my mind lol.
Sanji mentioned feeling weird after the clash with king then it slowly started to awaken
Lol at people trying to downgrade King because Zoro may have oneshotted him. Zoro's an AP monster that no one below Admirals has ever displayed. Katakuri with a million punches couldn't even put down a base Luffy, but yet I'm suppose to buy that donut boy can best King? King rolls the mochi virgin.
Sengoku is a Fleet Admiral and he barely did anything to Luffy pre-TS. Luffy has mitigation to punches.

Sen-chan... Impressive how fast you jump onto the wrong road...
There was no fire and he was focused on movement speed during Imperial Archer when Zoro attacked him with Ultora Gari and what happened? Nothing. There is no gimmick.

Marco has hit King while he had flames up, there is no "failed to activate defense in time" thing...
Every combatant tries to hit weak spots, it is not a Katakuri thing, lol... There is no weakness though...
Really funny how you make stuff up that doesnt exist... :crazwhat:
Sorry bro, but I don't rly want to debate with you about this stuff.
Because people are still saying retarded shit like Kata > King

Kata > King is dumber than saying Jack > Queen
That's because they were waiting for this moment so they can start downplaying King by claiming he's weak without his unique power. They have to protect their precious Katakuri who will get destroyed by King.

It's beyond their ability to comprehend that King will know his powers better than anybody else. It is not even a weakness.

The funny thing is Oda set it up for Zoro to require ACoC to beat King. That makes it clear even knowing Kings unique power still won't be enough to defeat him if you don't have enough power.

This is all assuming King doesn't have awakening and doesn't return. We haven't seen true awakening for me Zoan DF. We have only seen it achieved because of medicine. The question is will King return with awakening. Zoan Awakening increases the user recovery power and strength so it would make sense for King to use his awakening after he's defeated not before. Just like the jailers.
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