What is King’s real name?

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Yeah, this is why I hope OP sales tank now. All the stuff we want to see is either rushed or off paneled completely (the next big one is gonna be Shanks, why do you think he's getting a movie?...) but trash like the Tontatta, Tama etc. never has problem soaking up panel time. Ok then. Next week once King is confirmed to be out for good I'll ask for my account to be deleted, at least I'll spend my time in a more productive way.
Try to clear your mind/forget about one piece, you will find the peace after your account is deleted and spent your time on something yo want to do. Good luck on journey :cheers:
What difference does it even make when it's the same thing with different wording? It's not a translation error; it's a matter of how the translator's preference.
The difference is that the official translation doesn't have Big Mom using the word "lowly son of mine", Katakuri haters always bring up that other translation in order to downplay Katakuri but they never once use that official translation panel.

And I trust Stephen's translation over whoever translated that other panel.:kayneshrug:

If you and other Katakuri haters want to downplay him, then go find a better way to do it instead of always using that other translation panel.
Zoro is my fave Strawhat but damn why he always gotta fight these minority characters? On a serious note now.

Kaido and King got a point doing what they do.
King might end up becoming an interesting character after all.
Zoro fights against opponents which have a future relevance. Minorities will be allies in the future against the racist WG.
King will respect Zoro
This is the problem of the arc, Oda drag irrelevant shit until everyone getting bored only to offscreen/rush the main events.
Let be honest couldn´t he make act1-act2 less longer?
Act 1 had 15chapters, we spend stuff on irrevelant characters like Urashima or Holdem, Tama got again to much screentime.
Oda could easily handle this in 10chapters without dragging it. Act 2 was even worse, 30 chapters and we spend to much time in Udon, again to much irrevelant stuff, Luffy vs fodders and samurai vs fodders, again Tama and Olin plot. Oda could easily end it in 15chapters and act3 start also with too a long flashback(who end very stupid), the way until the raid began was also very dragged.
And Oda stall from chapter 982-1000 only to get his Luffy strawhat moment in chapter 1000. Don´t wanna even start about Tama again since this girl has more background story, screentime and fight panels then the most top members of Kaido.
We could easily get 30-45chapter less for this arc, 30-45 chapters who Oda could spend now to development Kaido flying six and calamity, also Kaido and Big mom himself.... And now he rush all events with the main part of the arc, but he dragg all irelevant stuff, that is the point why many people are disappointed so far with the arc.

Just imagine, Usopp,Brook,Chopper and Nami(I don´t call that fight what she had with Ulti) don´t got their 1on1 battles or group battles since Oda waste to much irrelevant stuff on characters who no one cares... And we had 400 chapters of build up for this arc...
Wano is for sure not the best arc, in my opinion not even in the top 5 since it has too much fails, it hurt to read it.

And now the worstpart start, many strawhats are free and can run free because their are no opponents, smile fodders aren´t it even worth, the alliance so far don´t lose any big name, Kaido alliance only got one W with comes from Perospero beating Carrot and Wanda, expect that his crew take Ls over Ls. At top they look like been the underdogs here and the strawhats the top Yonkou crew, it should be the opposite, the Yonkou crew should have the upperhand her not the underdogs lol. And we going to waste more chapters for irrelevant stuff from now, the only thing who matter are Kaido and Big mom.

If Oda can´t handle a arc like this, how the endwar going to look like? In the endarc we going to have a far bigger cast, with so many different factors, wano is already a disaster in this case(Bepo and Kid crew didn´t even got fight panels much, tells enough how hard Oda had it to make a good pace), what I learn from Wano, we shouldn´t have a high expetation from now. One Piece can get a bad ending like AoT or Nanatsu no taizai get.
Thats the problem,Oda cant handle a big cast.Dressrosa showed us that.

Wano is even worse
Kaido has been trying to change the world for 30 years but still nothing

B-but Lejas and Ndule told me that 1 Yonko Crew >= World Government :cantseeme:
Post a post where I said a Yonko crew can beat WG (CP Navy etc...combined)

In fact, find a post where I said Yonko crew beat Navy as a whole

Stop writing fake news
@Topi Jerami How the 3 Calamities should have went:

- King:
Before this chapter, I think that someone already pointed out that King should have been the one saving Orochi from Zoro, not Denjiro. Then King should have wreck Zoro in that moment and forcing him to escape. This way Zoro has a clear goal going for the raid and we would have had more hype from King before the raid.

OFC, he should have had CoC and probably advCoC. His mask should have had to been broken way before, and IMO their fight should had went to the Flower Capital where King could enleash all his fire powers causing a massive Wildfire in the city.

- Queen:
I don't mind Queen before his defeat tbh. But after that kick that defeated him, he should had to inject himself with the Ice Oni Plague or even a new plague that only he uses. Combining the plague + Germa powers would have put Sanji in an extreme diff fight and made Queen look more menacing.

- Jack:
Cmon Oda, just fucking gave the dude some named attacks... Shooting his tusks, using high pressured water with his trunk... Anything...

Also Jack after losing to the Dukes, he should have fought Jinbei. In this fight Jack with hybrid form + primal rage mode (Oda forgot about Arlong) from the Fishmen. A Fishman who is a beast, enraged, blinded by violence vs Jinbei, a Fish-Karate user fighting with finesse and precise moves. An extreme fight for Jinbei...

I agree much with the King part. Never thought that he should be the one saving Orochi from Zoro then wrecked him, wow, that sounds really hype..
Do you satisfied with his DF choice?
Add this man as another WG user that can write story better than Oda, alongside Ndule senpai, playa, and Buusatan.

For Queen, I kinda wish Queen was a she since the beginning. She would have Queen Bee DF or Queen from whatever insect DF, then she would lead a MASSIVE army of insect DF users...

For Jack, I agree too. Jinbe should have fighting Jack, while the trio of Robin, Franky, Brook fighting the trio of Black Maria, Sasaki, and Whos Who..
Either that or Jack should be Yamao'a childhood friend, Jack joined while Yamao was still a child, they are in same age so they became close fast. Until Yamao witnessed Oden execution and turned rebel, while Jack remains loyal for Kaido who he respects much (or Kaido saved child Jack in the past).
Zoro is fighting against opponents which have a future relevance. Minorities will be allies in the future against the racist WG.
King will respect Zoro
Facts. Don’t forget this @Topi Jerami @TheAncientCenturion @ConquistadoR

ik y’all might be upset about kings swift defeat but the future holds a lot more stuff

Just like Mr1, Kaku, Hachi, Ryuma had plot relevance in later arcs, there’s no doubt that King will have it too
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