What is King’s real name?

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I don't know how can someone enjoy these fights..Really disappointed by YC fights...None of them are memorable.
One can criticize Kata , Doffy as much as they want but their fights has set standard which sadly opponent of Zoro and Sanji failed to reach..
Oda doesn't give a fuck about YC anymore. He pretty much stopped caring about Yonko Crews in general once Katakuri was defeated since They were no longer Luffy's milestone.

Look at the names he gave the Shanks Pirates and tell me those characters aren't gonna be off panel filler to hype up the Blackbeard pirates
Why would Zoro beating King in 1 chapter after his powerup be a bad thing?

If it lasted longer, the same haters would claim that this shows Zoro is weaker than the other SNs etc etc
Because most of the fan were enjoy more King than Kaido. That a fact that I am noticing it look like people are disappointed on Yonko too that why they put a lot faint on King.
:gokulaugh:Imagine thinking King can be one of the main faces of Yonko Saga

They don't realise how silly they sound

Luffy actually needed fs to beat kata
Zoro didn't need adcoc for king. It is just overkill

Base Kata matched advanced haki luffy
While King is trashed by advanced haki Zoro

Counting cows like you do in your village isn't the same thing as being strong, there's levels to this. :myman:
Doffy was called weak by kaido but apparently he is stronger than kaido's personally chosen all stars.
just dont pay attention to this clown
Zoro is a low top tier there is nothing bad that King lost to someone like him.
King basically lost to Oden.
Zoro end of Wano is gona be > Oden.
they simple cant accept that progress especially after what Luffy experienced during Whole Cake Island.
u didnt explain though. so why running away. zoro had his ashura mode and haki even after the slash. so how did he lost his energy in the middle of the slash :gokulaugh: :gokulaugh:
why would i explain a side point when you never bother to reply to the main point lmao?
admit your lose or answer why kaido's wrong, then i would continue this discussion
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