You pathetic lying piece of shit. Literally 90% of your posts are just insults because you have a mental breakdown whenever someone doesn’t wank your favorite anime character.
The equivalent of 2 Ikoku’s nearly killed Zoro, even though he was only holding it back for 1 second
See you are getting flustered and you are once again lying like you always do.
If Hakai is only two times the power of Ikokou than why is it 1000 times bigger?
And Zoro post Hakai no sold AdvCoC thunder bagua, just how much stronger is CoC less Ikokou than Hakai?
Why were both Yonko shocked when Zoro blocked Hakai?
Why was it called "Quite a feat" by Kidd?
Why were both Kaido and Big Mom surprised when even one of them survived Hakai and they were expecting all 5 to die?
Also it was CoC less Zoro that momentarily blocked Hakai an attack we both know far far far stronger than Ikokou. Anyone with a brain knows that.
With massive CoC buff he can no sell any Ikokou from Big Mom can't he??