Would You Rather

I'm not american so I do the Superbowl thing

would you rather history never forget your name and you die in 1 year


leave for 1000 years but no one remember you a day after your death
This means I would be lonely then. If no one will remember me.

I pick 1000 years. By then I would be able to have an island of food all to myself. And since I have psedou immortality....I will eat to my hearts content. Also perhaps have a virual reality world where I can have friends and family.

Would you rather have a pet Tiger or a pet alligator
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This means I would be lonely then. If no one will remember me.

Fuck it. I pick 1000 years. By then I would be able to have an island of food all to myself. And since I have psedou immortality....I will eat to my hearts content. Also perhaps have a virual reality world where I can have friends and family.

Would you rather have a pet Tiger or a pet alligator
Pet tiger

Would you rather chased by a bunch of tigers or trapped in a maze for eternity?
This means I would be lonely then. If no one will remember me.

Fuck it. I pick 1000 years. By then I would be able to have an island of food all to myself. And since I have psedou immortality....I will eat to my hearts content. Also perhaps have a virual reality world where I can have friends and family.

Would you rather have a pet Tiger or a pet alligator
hmmm .... no ... it mean "people will forget you" not that would would be alone ... *

but you still went for 1000 years so ...


oh tiger all the way !

would you rather to kill a police man or a fire man if you had to