- Title "Big Mom vs Worst generation"
- Judge is looking back at Tottoland and crying
- King is defeated. Merry announces calamity defeat.
- We see panel reactions from everyone
- Beast pirate fodders run in fear with samurai declaring certain victory
- Big Mom vs Kid and Law. Big Mom looks huge.
- Big Mom says she will kill Kaido after the announcement and take his poneglyph
- She does a new Elbaf themed attack
- Law and Kid final attack. Law uses "room" and "shambles" to bring the giant sword
- Kidd uses "rotate" to make the sword spin in the air at a great speed
- Sword is launched at Big Mom with a great velocity by Kid
- Big Mom attack is stopped and Napoleon is broken in half
- The sword splits a part of Onigushima and Big Mom flies off with the sword still spinning on her body
Scans this week, official translation in two weeks