He ain’t hard carrying shit. Kidd the one who’s been tanking all her attacks. The most “carrying” Law has done is fail at holding off Big Mom while Kidd was dealing with the Hawkins shit. You’re just talking now LOL
“Back me up”. Law is great back up man. Even Kidd knows it
-Zoro thanks Enma for bringing Luffy one step near to become the Pirate King and when hes about to collapse he remembers something (not shown)
-Franky meets with Sanji and the rest of the Strawhats
-Law and Kid vs Big Mom (short Paneltime)
-Luffy and Kaido are both exhausted and their Haki starts to weaken
-Luffy feels in the midst of the Fight something in his Body (has to do with his Df according to the Koreans)
-Kaido hits Luffy in the Head but his Weapon has no effect on Luffys rubber Body,Kaido and Luffy are confused
Kadio fans are on suicide watch. Can kadio use awaking power to restore the hype ? Find out next one piece spoiler episode !!
I was expecting gear fourth luffy on hybrid kadio
WHERE IS GEAR FOURTH LUFFY !!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
PS: I am hidden kadio defense but I give up due oda trash him ever harder. I legit thought kadio kill kinemon with advanced coc club and then kadio slabbed the sword to kinemon.
Well if he doesn't , I think they are taking the L. Don't think Oda would have an emperor fall to basic haki users. Even Law awakening didn't seem to do that MUCH damage
He ain’t hard carrying shit. Kidd the one who’s been tanking all her attacks. The most “carrying” Law has done is fail at holding off Big Mom while Kidd was dealing with the Hawkins shit. You’re just talking now LOL
Well if he doesn't , I think they are taking the L. Don't think Oda would have an emperor fall to basic haki users. Even Law awakening didn't seem to do that MUCH damage
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