Luffy is not following greencuck. Greencuck is following Luffy. I ain't the one with taking salt. If Luffy is trash, Zoro is bigger trash. As simple as that.
The I’m dead panel was Luffy accepting his fate, he lived a good life and died trying to accomplish his dream so he was happy. That’s what it was and if that’s all it takes to be a peak MC in your eyes then you need to read or watch other anime.
Oh man is this gonna be the state of the spoiler threads throughout 2022 NGL i might take the Akai2 route and only comments on the Ground Floor thread for the memes and save myself some sanity
People comparing one piece characters to super well written characters in media
OP does a lot of things right, we’ll written characters is definitely not one tho
The I’m dead panel was Luffy accepting his fate, he lived a good life and died trying to accomplish his dream so he was happy. That’s what it was and if that’s all it takes to be a peak MC in your eyes then you need to read or watch other anime.
The whole point of that panel was to show that luffy was the freest person there, despite being physically bounded. That’s why he smiled. He didn’t think his dream had failed. he said he was going to be PK seconds before that scene. He was free mentally and that’s the MOST important thing about it.
I just knew once Zoro fight was over this shit would start, they want Zoro to be the MC so bad that they started hating on Luffy for absolute stupid reasons and try do convey them as strong arguments, it is really funny indeed.
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