King's powerup trick is seemingly useless, it didn't help as soon as Zoro understood it,
If it wasn't "useless" due to unexplained limitations then it is PIS for King to actively turn his defense off for a speed boost that didn't even help.
King needed to block to have better defense than PASSIVE Kaido. Katakuri has better dodging ability than BM, and wouldn't get rolled by Jinbe/Robin/Brook/Franky/ Law/Kidd in any of their traps for her, guess that makes him superior to her or something.
Luffy using FS is not as effective due to no shapeshifting and more importantly his personality type being prone to PIS for Oda's plot to not finish instantly but take 3+ years. Luffy's FS did save all the SNs from dying to Hakai by giving them prep tim though...
]King's powerup trick is seemingly useless? yeah clown, Marco in 30minutes didnt do shit to King.

Luffy aint having same lethality and AP that Zoro

, luffy FI was garbage in Wano (utterly useless in the raid)
Kidd aint having that and advcoc

Law woudnt taking down King

Sure sure, find out King's powerup trick and he is done

The unlucky part for King is that the only character with the right amount of AP and lethality was the one clashing against him