Speculations Kaido will be defeated in 1037

I think there's a decent chance we might see Boundman Luffy vs. Kaido in this chapter, and maybe even a KKG that temporarily KOes Kaido.
It's eventually the same shit. Sanji will join the fight against Kaido. Y'all Sanji stans said the same shit when Rooftop happened.
Either you misunderstood my post or you reply on the wrong post.

First of all I'm not a Sanji stan.

My post was about the possibility of Luffy having a new gear because we got new combat styles for Zoro and Sanji.

What does that have to do with Sanji joining against Kaido?


Formerly Seth

I hope Luffy gets lost in the hype of the battle and yeets Kaido together with Onigashima so it lands and explodes the bombs.
I agree. Honestly I thought this was obvious.

You can clearly see the pattern from how the previous fights played out that this will be wrapped up in a similar fashion.

Kaido loses next chapter. Then the chapter after that we get the official declaration of his defeat.

Any potential twists will only happen after that but the point is we WILL see Kaido down for the count by next chapter.