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Arbiter of Truth
Hello everyone! With December and the holidays out of the way, I'm finally able to get this started and looking for confirmations to set this up. Please confirm as soon as possible, thanks. Also if you can get in touch with one of the members that rarely check the forum, please inform them, that'd be great. And again, sorry for all the wait.


At long last, I am of course ready for this
Hello everyone! With December and the holidays out of the way, I'm finally able to get this started and looking for confirmations to set this up. Please confirm as soon as possible, thanks. Also if you can get in touch with one of the members that rarely check the forum, please inform them, that'd be great. And again, sorry for all the wait.


Hello, yes
Hello everyone! With December and the holidays out of the way, I'm finally able to get this started and looking for confirmations to set this up. Please confirm as soon as possible, thanks. Also if you can get in touch with one of the members that rarely check the forum, please inform them, that'd be great. And again, sorry for all the wait.


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