[FNZ] Turbo game Give me the gun 3

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Argonauts, roll out!
Although Flower tinfoil aside, I'd bet on Wanji or Prof here.

Wanji has been consistently silent, while Dr_Prof has left no impression on me.

I'd pick between those two.


There's no "Tina!"
Unless Flower just did a big brain throw play and outed herself so that we'd think she was the jester and feign ignorance about being able to swap kill shot.

The double kill on Novas also was part of my tinfoil about Flower lmao.

I think there's a chance she might be scum still though.

Though question is if Flower is big brained enough for this, and have the balls to do it.

I think speaking from expreience it's quite possible.
Who would you shoot Mango?
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