[FNZ] Turbo game Give me the gun 5

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Arbiter of Truth
You don’t have to agree it just makes the most logic sense. Why wouldn’t you want to look more town as scum?
Well, what can I say, I think it goes both ways.

From my PoV it doesn't really say you're scummy or towny based on if you're voting yourself or others in the early phases.


Lead them to paradise.
Shouldn’t matter who has the gun early, since they will follow the crowd unless they are first unjester. Other scum will listen to look more town like
Imo scum is more likely to sit it out and wait until late game to get the gun, just like what Lanji and Ekko did last game.

It makes it easier to control the kills at that point.
Not true. If he is town he shoot’s whoever we all pick most likely. If he is scum he will still do the same. Unless unjester. It doesn’t even make sense to pick a player and think they wouldn’t listen early
Then doesn‘t that make it even more valuable if they happen to not listen and we get 2 scum in one go?
Like, I can get your reasoning, but it‘s also flawed.
Imo scum is more likely to sit it out and wait until late game to get the gun, just like what Wanji and Ekko did last game.

It makes it easier to control the kills at that point.
They can wait it out but they can somewhat control the shot if they play nice. Give influence and such and less likely to be shot because they don’t want hun. Then later they get hun for that reasoning.
Then doesn‘t that make it even more valuable if they happen to not listen and we get 2 scum in one go?
Like, I can get your reasoning, but it‘s also flawed.
It’s not flawed. It’s logic. People can do other actions, but logically it wouldn’t make sense. Regardless you’d be top of my list to shoot or one of the others who threw the vote easily
I mean, if we tell Player X to shoot Player Y and Player X doesn‘t shoot them, then Player X might just be scum and Player Y has a higher chance of being scum, too.
but yeah you look word appart from that first one, think your scum self wouldn't worry about voting for someone else to give the gun and as unjester you wouldn't really campain and expect to win D1
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