[FNZ] Turbo game Give me the gun 5

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There's no "Tina!"
Not like it matters because it’s turbo and times is fast but that’s best town way to run it. Regardless if Fuji gets gun and goes rogue I feel like easy shot next night there
Nick it's time to tell us who you would shoot. Would it be the ones who dropped the votes on others?

No worries, it's my payback for the first game :)
I hope you won't disappoint me:sus:
I don't think I'll be getting the gun to show you yet, but I aim to not disappoint!

who else not inactive is on your shit list lind
Prof and AL looking good to me.
Nick it's time to tell us who you would shoot. Would it be the ones who dropped the votes on others?

I don't think I'll be getting the gun to show you yet, but I aim to not disappoint!

Prof and AL looking good to me.
Mmmm depends. I’d shoot flower if doubt they play this hard as unjest. I can see prof as an unjest here so I’d avoid him. Thuringia or mango wouldn’t be bad either. Just from the votes for others play here
Honestly haven’t seen the other turbos here so not really sure how you guys go about it I can tell it’s not the actually random way lmao
My point is that painting a newbie/ 1 guy who always sheeps me and 1 girl who did the same thing last game as scummy is a bit of a reach.

Im informing you of this, so hopefully you come up with something better next day phase.

Behavior past N1 is what determines who's scummy or not imo.

D1 is too hectic for that and is mostly down to gut feeling.
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