tl;dr the calc for Garou and PS's speed ends up being about 1.370 ~ 2.055 times the speed of light on average, at the minimum. Since they were accelerating throughout the fight, their ending velocity should be much more than that. with a maximum of 2.740 ~ 4.110 times the speed of light.
Edit: I forgot about the areas which the paths might overlap, which means their speed are actually probably 1.5-2x faster. So about 2.055 ~ 4.110 times the speed of light.
Edit: crap I forgot that most of the lines (like 90%) traced out actually happened in the last 2 microseconds/0.2 millisecond. The result should probably be multiplied by 13/2 * 90% lol. So about 12.022 ~ 24.044 times the speed of light