I expected he would especially if the arc ended without the raid failing. It's always so catharthic to see these fake/shilling Youtubers go mask off. I've seen him and a few others freak out on Twitter like this before but Morj is having a meltdown for sure, even attacking GrandLine Review.
He's seriously being toxic now suddenly!
I've actually seen signs of narcissism in him to be brutally honest as well as some other OP youtubers at least (I also have had strong issues with narcissism in myself and have dealt with and still deal with a lot of narcissists and narcissistic behaviour literally daily so its a VERY familiar issue for me) and how he's behaving right now is like spoilt brat syndrome or narcissistic rage, where they freak out and rage when things don't go to plan, when they don't get their way.
If we think he's behaving badly now, imagine how much he will
RAGE if the arc ends and we don't get the raid failing? He still keeps pushing the agenda in desperation despite One Piece resembling Fairy Tail more and more as I've been trying to say for years and even joking with a former friend who helped start the agenda that Fairy Tail > One Piece on Jay D Legend's Discord server a and elsewhere years before now, like back during WCI maybe so this is aging hilariously and ironically too!
Very much how OP fans do insult people who criticise the series by saying "hurr durr you're just mad because the story isn't happening the way you want it!" yet it's the truly Pro-OP and Pro-Oda people who are the ones snapping like this in the way they accuse the ones who criticise OP and Oda like us of doing so! Ironic hypocrisy and projection!
I always saw Morj as a fake, a pretender and he's showing his true colours now. Not quite as bad as GrandLineReview, Ohara and Joyboy and (also another certain someone who I won't mention as mentioning them seems to immediately summon them on here somehow) maybe but still. The day I see Joyboy flip out like this too, I will party!


Maybe I'm being too harsh but I've had FAR worse from so called OP fans who stan people like Morj and other big OP youtubers/creators too so at the same time, it's hard to feel remorse or sympathy too. I do get mad about certain things not happening and such, that's only natural and I'm sure it's the same for others sas well, but regardless of that, there are massive issues with the story/writing and such from Oda which cannot be ignored and need to be discussed and pointed out too.
I'm so sick of the cult of the OP community elsewhere and the constant pretending the series and Oda are flawless/perfect and cannot be criticised at all. That's why I find this place so reassuring, comforting, helpful, supportive and so on. Aside from Drizzt and his channel and community, this place is a godsend for me lmao. I've been viciously attacked by OP fans elsewhere in the past for showing any signs of "dissent" against the hivemind.
I wanted to make my Youtube channel as I've been going on about a lot lately but I've been reluctant to try in hindsightin some ways due to that you really have to shill for OP to even get any decent exposure/views/feedback from the community and you cannot criticise it or like they do with Drizzt, they will harass, bury, scathe etc you. Also what happened with Totally Not Mark and thus the extreme/massive issues with copyright too.
I'm probably overthinking it as usual, that has been my mantra/motto for a VERY long time now, to overthink everything but I really don't want to have put on such a false/exaggerated persona to try to make videos and thus channel "succeed" too with OP fans and such.
I just wish I could get over my own initial anxieties and get my channel started and rolling, actually overcome my own fears/doubts/paranoia/insecurities and actually do something with myself and my life for once as well as actually delivering on my ambitions/plans/promises etc.
Sorry, went on a personal tangent there too haha. Seriously though, how Morj is behaving here is honestly disgraceful, he doesn't realise how toxic and hypocritical he is being. Drizzt was joking about "bringing Morj to the Dark Side" maybe 3 years ago now, funnily enough around when Wano started I think? Or at least during the earlier parts of Wano at latest? So maybe 2 years ago at least?
These Youtubers probably fear they can't be as honest as they want about Oda and OP and have to put on that cult-like persona of thinking Oda is "Goda" unironically, much like how Usopp is revered "like a literal God" now in the story. But they don't realise, they are also oiling or fuelling the machine and keeping it going too, they are perpetuating the very same issue in the community even further especially with their massive popularity/fame in the community and thus their influence/power they have.