I always thought some people overreacted about the nosebleed thing, this barely got panels, Oda even made Sanji's character himself admit that this is "shameful" and think this is only happening because he passed 2 whole years without seeing real women.

It's funny cuz when Sanji sees Shirahoshi for the first time, Chopper says "Sanji got back to normal, that is the old Sanji"
It's obviously an idiotic gag that Oda (and japanese in general) think its legitimately funny, so there is nothing much to do about that
I was reading that arc again, and i completely changed how i viewed this. Oda clearly took some time during FMI to give us casual moments with the Strawhats, where they just chill, talk about everything and have some fun after 2 years without seeing each other, lots of gags, both old, new and their "updated" versions also came into play consequently to everyone