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Unleash that toxicity Morj, don't hold back! I mean seriously, if he feels that way, he should make a video on it instead of just mouthing off about it on Twitter only. it would be groundbreaking for an actual OP youtuber that isn't Drizzt and a much bigger Youtuber too to come forward and actually say something negative or at least not wholly positive about OP and Oda and wank them off so much.

It would get a lot of flak, a lot of hate and be so very controversial but it would be an important and such a great step for the community if he did it. For someone who prides himself and is lauded for his analyses and understanding of the plot and themes so in depth and such, he would be an excellent person to discuss and dissect what has gone wrong with Wano and could be done better.

But instead he's fighting with other OP fans and youtubers on Twitter. The most toxic part of the OP community too lmao.

Morj is right. Oda bootlickers won't agree
Someone needs to save Robin-chwan from CP-0

And that someone is Sanji

Remember when Sanji risked himself against CP-0 to save Robin, but got backstabbed by her cuz she didn't wanted help, but ended up helping CP-9?

Now Robin has no reasons to do that, so just like Sanji asked her help against BM, Robin will call for Sanji

-Sanji wont let it happen again

-Robin doesn't want it to happen again

-Sanji is "in debt" with Robin

Plus, this plot here needs to be solved somehow. Zoro most likely still thinks he needs to find out what Sanji was dealing with. Oda could either come up with something relevant, or just a simple conversation between them alongside with their casual bickering, it may even happen by the very end of Wano tbh


"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings"

Unleash that toxicity Morj, don't hold back! I mean seriously, if he feels that way, he should make a video on it instead of just mouthing off about it on Twitter only. it would be groundbreaking for an actual OP youtuber that isn't Drizzt and a much bigger Youtuber too to come forward and actually say something negative or at least not wholly positive about OP and Oda and wank them off so much.

It would get a lot of flak, a lot of hate and be so very controversial but it would be an important and such a great step for the community if he did it. For someone who prides himself and is lauded for his analyses and understanding of the plot and themes so in depth and such, he would be an excellent person to discuss and dissect what has gone wrong with Wano and could be done better.

But instead he's fighting with other OP fans and youtubers on Twitter. The most toxic part of the OP community too lmao.

I do agree with Morj on this though... The raid has been pretty lack lustre despite a few great moments which are mostly attributed to Kaido, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Momo. Its baffling to see most of the big OP youtubers raving about how "Good" the raid is... I mean are we all reading the same thing?! there has been Zero tension, Zero consequences, very mediocre and rushed fights etc.
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