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If @Zemmi gets Muu I'll partner with you!

I'm the second most trustworthy guy I know!

The first is my alter ego

@Hayumi @Zemmi @Dragomir

Let's roll deep. We all vote for vote each other, ensure our regime gets in
Are you saying I am only your second choice? If whoever this stupid Muu is decides he does not want a fabulous partner such as yourself, I suppose I can find it in my heart to accept you as my partner if no one else steps forward. I understand my presence can be intimidating.


I will never forgive Oda
My fellow Americans

If I am elected, I promise you we won't have any dirty scum on this council. My trust committee will weed them out
I will also be volunteering myself for this council position
I would be honored to represent the people who are not gonna be able to read half of this game
If you chose me I will be giving 110% of my capabilities towards the slacker-people like me

Hopefully they will read this though
Vote for me and you get 3 votes in return

Possibly more if we can use deceased players and their votes
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