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Is this phase only for voting council and forming a partner?

I see that Drago is asking players to vote him for council and I will not vote Drago.

Naomi, have I ever lied to you? You know I'm town, honey. :catpole:
you are 50/50 when ever you claim your towniest town to ever. :feelsokeman:

i hold my my sus, but town leader drago taking charge in start leans town to me atm.

Of course, I, DIO, am going to save Town.

I'm only going to vote who I am town reading and I haven't gotten any town reads at the moment.
hmmm i want to vote you for council, maybe am bias but like your funny energy... along with some other seen.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
  • Useful Weeb - Provided an accurate vote count when requested [2 coins]
  • Towniest Weeb - Received no votes during the day [1 coin]
  • Weeb Leader - Amongst top 3 highest posters in a phase [3 coins]
  • Serious Weeb - No fluff posts in a phase [2 coins]
  • Cum Hunter - Lynched a threat to your faction [2 coins]
  • Good Samaritan - Saved a weeb from certain death [3 coins]
  • Weeb Champion - Win a tournament [4 coins]
  • Weeb Raider - Successfully complete an expedition [2 coins]
good luck managing this nova :gokulaugh:


I will never forgive Oda

Hitsune Miku and I are heading out for a few hours! We're campaigning across the state to get extra voters!
I will vote you 3 times a day as I am eating breakfast, lunch and dinner if you vote me
I will do just that! You have made a good ally today Mister Typo

and avoided a bad enemy
Who wants to be my partner? @TheAncientCenturion are you free Mr President?
I am engaged in a few interested parties
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