Okay, I got some more clarity on this party stuff from Nova. During the day, we talk amongst each other to form a party of 3. The night after, the 3 members submit each other and the same location to then officially form the party. In the next day phase, that party will then do their canvassing where they delve into their chosen layer. During that same day, players can form a new party, talk about where to delve next, etc. Rinse and repeat.
For example:
Bob, David, and Billy discuss on D0 to form a party to delve into layer 2. On N0, all three of them submit each other and their location. Something like: "Group: Bob, David, and Billy. Delving into layer 2." Thus, the party forms and they all canvass during D1.
I recommend that y'all come up with a party name to make it easy on Nova.