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So for the last time…read. My. F***ing. Posts. Before pushing your wrong narrative!

This was right at the beginning. You know I call you a try hard when I think you‘re scum more than Town.

And I won‘t quote s*** for you.

Sigh. Does scum have a D0 kill? Hit me with it, I just can‘t even.

Hey, what are your thoughts on Ekko?


Certified Memelord
Usopp really doesn't feel town for whatever reason. Too laid back. Not at the forefront enough as he usually is. Town Usopp would be going absolute ham this D0.
see thats the issue, ur too hung up on day 0
it'll be pretty obvious im town as game goes im not even worried
u shud worry about urself


Usopp and Flower scum buddies? I'm not liking how he adamantly believes she's trolling or she's playing us into her trap. That's a stupid way to get yourself what you think is the right path all because she could be playing like a jester.
Why are people saying it's a waste of time to do stuff D0? Like, it isn't. The fact that we have a FREE day phase to scum hunt means precisely that it isn't a waste of time to game-solve. If you rather troll, that's fine, but don't call this a waste of time. What would be a waste is not using up these free 40 hours to make scum sweat.
It’s a waste of time problem?
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