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I will never forgive Oda
I'm sorry but I cannot put up with anyone threatening @TheAncientCenturion
:catsweat: I feel like we’re just at the start of a buddy cop movie. I can’t wait to see where this game takes us
You guys need to wear armor unlike European chad ugby players

Lmfao you wanna make that comparison to soccer players who intentionally flop on a field at a high five?

the future is certain
I don't know about myself yet due to certain reasons

however if you've certain immunities then those things won't effect you
Al what level we delving into and also who else are we taking with

uhh another game the same intro back n forth with you - you claim to always know my playstyle but truly never know what i am after.
My comment invoked nothing to do with your playstyle. Did you even read it? You're deflecting pretty hard here. All I observed was what you were doing in this game. And you got all defensive when I asked you a clarifying question.
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