Who is the skeleton / Whats the purpose?

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whatever it may be bro.. people don't use the same scale to measure their satisfaction.. now that i read Morj's tweets yes he has merit to what he says.. people are not fair when they judge things while they try to conceal flaws and accentuate the "goods" of things.. true

but thats bound to happen.. some things are soo good that they eclipse the flaws and make them the overall determining factor

yea Wano may have been hyped just THAT much that you start speculating based on those standards and when the product of that hype is lackluster then people are bound to be disappointed..

Morj has a very valid point.. GLR is just doing what i said before eclipsing the flaws to exaggerate the goods.. in addition to using certain preset plots as means to tackle the argument for lack of suspend and stakes which isn't a good argument coz he wasn't taking how SHP were introduced to those plots.. as an invincible and unsubdued force.
Right, Morj was not talking about whole OP, just Wano and the expectations the auditors and Oda set for the arc. He brought up valid points, and didnt even mention Tama and other points where Oda wasted most of the time. All he talked about was some F6 fights and anticlimatic end to Wano raid.

To be fair, Kaido and Big Mom talked about starting a war and whatnot. Where are those mighty goals now? What we have here is Kaido crying about his castle and party getting wrecked by SHs and Samurais.

Pretty shameless of Oda and his defenders.
There is still a chance that Luffy will lose again. But I am not sure, if this is not the case then we are in Wano for another 1 to 1.5 year.
I meant like... Zoro specifically said shinigami and now there’s a shinigami standing right above Zoro;
if this Shinigami is not Zoro’s imagination but actually a person, it probably means it’s hell of a person that Oda had planned since chapter 85
Yeah i know (he actually says Shinigami btw), just saying that he ironically only said a Shinigami can´t kill him until he meets Mihawk, he met him though
Right, Morj was not talking about whole OP, just Wano and the expectations the auditors and Oda set for the arc. He brought up valid points, and didnt even mention Tama and other points where Oda wasted most of the time. All he talked about was some F6 fights and anticlimatic end to Wano raid.

To be fair, Kaido and Big Mom talked about starting a war and whatnot. Where are those mighty goals now? What we have here is Kaido crying about his castle and party getting wrecked by SHs and Samurais.

Pretty shameless of Oda and his defenders.
There is still a chance that Luffy will lose again. But I am not sure, if this is not the case then we are in Wano for another 1 to 1.5 year.
its not like Wano as an arc has no stakes at all..
but they either have to do with what going on around the world or the potential consequences of certain possibilities like Robin actually getting captured.. Zunisha being here for some reason.. i am pretty sure Morj is very fond of the first 2 acts the 3rd act aka Onigashima is the Monkey Wrench on the outlook of Wano coz thats where everything's going down, that is the core gravity of the hype built up before wano..

i may read Onigashima over again to extract whatever i have mistakenly overlooked

but then everything depends on your presuppositions regarding the act right

what i believe is as long as i meet the expectations oda expects me to comprehend from his work from his POV I'm all ok with it.


The Rogue Prince
it's okay Midd fans

Just follow what Oda is trying to do with the character since he was introduced and you'll get that he never had a chance to defeat Big Mom, and it's not about power lvls

Midd main opponent is Captain John, and Luffy, the Yonko are not an option beside just participating in their fights
"Kid & Law vs Big Mom" - no fight in this arc was lost after the title chapter was put up.

Meme ain't getting another arc lol. Even if they don't defeat her - they'd put her out of commission for good.
Yeah I have asthma so it might be dust as well. I need to clean my room of dust around my bed especially.
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This would be really cool! Fitting with the Buddhist themes of Zoro and OP too!
There are also food allergies that can cause insomnia, it´s rare but it exists.
Don´t wanna pretend to know, and you probably went through a lot to remedy it, especially if it happened for so long, but just fyi.
I know people who went on an elimination diet because of insomnia (just red meat in the beginning), and then over time added a few things to see what they react to negatively.
it's okay Midd fans

Just follow what Oda is trying to do with the character since he was introduced and you'll get that he never had a chance to defeat Big Mom, and it's not about power lvls

Midd main opponent is Captain John, and Luffy, the Yonko are not an option beside just participating in their fights
Captain John is dead
What the hell are you saying

Plus you hate Kidd


Heavy Metal
Lets summarize my opinion on the infos we have:

- Sideplot doesnt matter here, if Raizo or Mr. Ohrläppchen win, i absolutely dont care. If they just stop fighting and drink tea, i am fine with it, just end this plot.

- Chopper mentions side-effects of the mink medicine. Straight after we get Zoro seeing a grim reaper in front of him. In my opinion it is obvious, the grim reaper is some kind of hallucination, following the side effects of the medicine. Classic sideeffect of pain killers / benzos. Maybe Oda wants to put some education about drugabuse. So i guess in reality it will be Brook, Killer (aka Kamazuo) or a random gifter. I put my money on Killer, which then kinda block a devastated and extremely weakened zoro attack, just followed by helping him to recover.

- Izuo vs. CP0... i doubt Izuo can do much here, since CP0 just neg diffed Drake and Apoo. This plot, and i know alot will disagree, just shows me how plausible it is that Law will be dragged to deal with CP0. If they are able to neg diff Drake and Apoo, it could be an extremely well build up to show how much stronger law is than the other SN. So i guess CP0 will now slaughter also Izuo, then someone else, until Law steps in. Otherwise, who shall stop them right now there?

- Yamato vs Fire Demon... okay. Who cares. Maybe take Kinemon to cut the fire. Dont know where this is leading to, but it doesnt feel that intense anyway. Would prefer more Zunisha side infos.

- Kid + Law vs. Linlin:
This is exactly what i was telling since weeks, no months, maybe even years. The "good guys" show a power up, they are able to corner the enemy, enemy shows power up, good guys get nearly defeated, but they get up one more time, they gain another power up as last solution, beat the enemy. Since i think Kid has still something up his sleeve, this fight could dragged a bit more. I extremely doubt they lose here, because this sounds like classic shonen build up for me.
Captain John is dead
What the hell are you saying

Plus you hate Kidd
I don't hate Kidd, I even said he will fight Luffy lol

He doesn't have to take down a Yonko to be relevant , the Yonko are heavily tied to Luffy and the main themes of the story

also it's a pirate story, there's always antagonists that are undead or can return from the dead

Gorosei Informer

I still want to see the Kaido who slaughtered Moria's crew, what caused that? Why would he slaughter a friendly rival's crew and be so utterly brutal to Moria? Was it because Moria stole Oars' corpse or did he do that after they fought I wonder?

I also wonder if Kaido was in awakened state or a drunken rage or something when it happened. I hope Oda hasn't forgotten/dropped this plotline but I fear he has. Moria vs Kaido was just a panel in the ma nga and a few seconds of them charging to each other and clashing with happy/excited expressions in the anime?

But since Moria is with Blackbeard, I hope there is still plans by Oda to elaborate on Kaido and Moria, especially since Big Mom had SO much shown by Oda and screentime compared to Kaido over several arcs as well and we still don't know a lot about Kaido too. Kaido's full name if he has one, Yamato's mother and where she is, what happened to her, Kaido's awakening, what happened specifically at God's Valley and how he saw Whitebeard and Xebec as and so on.

Big Mom has SO much influence in the world of OP, especially the New World of course and Kaido seems kinda lacking and confined more to Wano, aside from his business dealings with Doflamingo of course. And also his war with Zou too.

In other wordsI really hope see more of Kaido, he seems a lot more fascinating than even before, especially from what we saw of him in King's ridiculously brief and unformative flashback (that was massively disappointing but still had some greatness to it ofc) and how Kaido has been acting since Onigashima and especially the rooftop fight started too.

Why did Kaido come to Wano, why was he working with Orochi and how did they meet and such? I'm guessing Orochi's fruit impressed him but I'm surprised he didn't just kill Orochi, fully take over Wano and give Orochi's DF to another potential commander or someone really strong he trusts in general.

We're also still looking for Kaido's red poneglyph and other poneglyphs right? There was that really weirdly shaped/designed island that Scotch, Caribou and Drake were all on and it was said to be Kaido's favourite island? It was like a high tech futuristic sort of lab island?

Marco the OP Theorist had a brilliant theory that Onigashima may have originated from Punk Hazard and Kaido literally flew it to Wano instead. He also compared Kaido to being like Mewtwo too which was very interesting.

But on the other hand, we still know so little about Mihawk, Crocodile, Shanks, Kuma, The Admirals, Garp, Sengoku and so so I'm not too hopeful either.

He also predicted Kanjuro being the traitor back in 2019:

I also think Perona and Toko being so similar in appearance, the fact that Moria is heavily associated with Wano and may even be from there, Perona's and Toko's full names being unknown and their parentage and that Perona was going after Moria too is not coincidence at all. I also think Shiryu and Catarina are associated with Wano, definitely Shiryu at least and I think it's Alpha2Late17 who said he is probably a Kurozumi too.



Heavy Metal
I still want to see the Kaido who slaughtered Moria's crew, what caused that? Why would he slaughter a friendly rival's crew and be so utterly brutal to Moria? Was it because Moria stole Oars' corpse or did he do that after they fought I wonder?

I also wonder if Kaido was in awakened state or a drunken rage or something when it happened. I hope Oda hasn't forgotten/dropped this plotline but I fear he has. Moria vs Kaido was just a panel in the ma nga and a few seconds of them charging to each other and clashing with happy/excited expressions in the anime?

But since Moria is with Blackbeard, I hope there is still plans by Oda to elaborate on Kaido and Moria, especially since Big Mom had SO much shown by Oda and screentime compared to Kaido over several arcs as well and we still don't know a lot about Kaido too. Kaido's full name if he has one, Yamato's mother and where she is, what happened to her, Kaido's awakening, what happened specifically at God's Valley and how he saw Whitebeard and Xebec as and so on.

Big Mom has SO much influence in the world of OP, especially the New World of course and Kaido seems kinda lacking and confined more to Wano, aside from his business dealings with Doflamingo of course. And also his war with Zou too.

In other wordsI really hope see more of Kaido, he seems a lot more fascinating than even before, especially from what we saw of him in King's ridiculously brief and unformative flashback (that was massively disappointing but still had some greatness to it ofc) and how Kaido has been acting since Onigashima and especially the rooftop fight started too.

Why did Kaido come to Wano, why was he working with Orochi and how did they meet and such? I'm guessing Orochi's fruit impressed him but I'm surprised he didn't just kill Orochi, fully take over Wano and give Orochi's DF to another potential commander or someone really strong he trusts in general.

We're also still looking for Kaido's red poneglyph and other poneglyphs right? There was that really weirdly shaped/designed island that Scotch, Caribou and Drake were all on and it was said to be Kaido's favourite island? It was like a high tech futuristic sort of lab island?

Marco the OP Theorist had a brilliant theory that Onigashima may have originated from Punk Hazard and Kaido literally flew it to Wano instead. He also compared Kaido to being like Mewtwo too which was very interesting.

But on the other hand, we still know so little about Mihawk, Crocodile, Shanks, Kuma, The Admirals, Garp, Sengoku and so so I'm not too hopeful either.

He also predicted Kanjuro being the traitor back in 2019:

I also think Perona and Toko being so similar in appearance, the fact that Moria is heavily associated with Wano and may even be from there, Perona's and Toko's full names being unknown and their parentage and that Perona was going after Moria too is not coincidence at all. I also think Shiryu and Catarina are associated with Wano, definitely Shiryu at least and I think it's Alpha2Late17 who said he is probably a Kurozumi too.

me and @Tyki_Mikk also said it will be Kanjuro, also in September 2019.
(1) Theory - Orochi runs into a trap | Worstgen
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Don't lose hope in Kid.:kata:
There is literaly no reason for it.
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