Who is the skeleton / Whats the purpose?

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Germa 66's Ahh… Emotionless Excursion, Vol. 3: “Niji and Yonji captured in Cocoa Island's Chocolat Town”. In the cover we see that Niji and Yonji are captured in one of Mont d'Or books (one of those books where Big Mom keeps her strange creatures). The book is in Chocolat Town's square, Oven is sitting in front of the book while people are looking at it. We also see that Pudding is looking at the book, she looks worried.
Seems like Oven defeat them together with Mont d'or? Oven took good hits, glad that he was still running around and kicking asses.

As i expected, chapter looks decent, Big mom was almost killing Law and Kid but stopped, Kid and Law used their last skills and seems to beat her? Since Kid and Law took the hype this chapter, im pretty sure Big mom will get next chapter the hype moment.
The question is who falling down next chapter, Big mom is tired too thought.


is covered in flames. However, both of them refused to release the other from their Jutsu. Fukurokuju tells Raizou again to release the Jutsu or they will both die, but Raizou doesn't answer him and puts up with the pain of the burns without losing concentration.

Cut to the 2nd floor of Onigashima's castle, samurai are trapped by fire and cannot escape. Suddenly, the rooftop collapses and nearly crushes the samurai, but Jinbe appears and manages to hold it up.
Yamato freezes the bombs, becouse if such an amount of gunpowder explodes, everything will be over. However, Kazenbou touches the bombs and begins to thaw the ice. Yamato attacks Kazenbou.
I feel like this fire plot is a callback to Oden's boiling execution. He held his vassals above him, symbolising the whole country and now raizo endures the fire and the "new Oden" Yamato freezes fire.

Oden's protection, the wooden board that he held above his head to protect everyone is now literally crumbling, finally exposing the threat that had been lingering above Wano's populace all these years.
Now, the next generation, Oden's allies that he never met, those who follow in his footsteps take up his work, freeing Wano once and for all.
Eventually, this was Oden's true purpose. To inspire people with his incredible strength , to lay the groundwork for a future, a new and free Wano.
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How can anyone think big mom is losing, they literally stopped talking about defeating her and now the objective is to stop her reaching the roof
And on the same chapter kid tells us how kaido has suffered so much damage that he has to be near defeat, so in what world would big mom fall before him after only being hit by kid and law attacks :kayneshrug:


My girl has been running to the basement for several chapters and now you want to give the Kazenbo to fucking Kin?:beckmoji:
Does she know how to cut fire?

She doesn't seem that efficient dealing with fire

I would give it to Brook actually, freeze it completely better than Yamato

so that Brook gets at least one highlight in this arc

and he was closer
Wait, is Kid’s bull mecha supposed to be just another Metal construction thing or is it part of his awakening?

Law just used his awakening again here despite saying the shit drains him too much… Okay, is the metal bull also awakening? What’s different about this thing compared to the Mecha Kid had before?

and why the fuck is it YET ANOTHER “Demon” named attack… Like for real, it’s getting cliche how many “Demons” are being thrown around these days
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