Yeah I do think he's exhausted, he's getting old ofc and he must be worn out for doing this for decades now. But on the other hand I have no sympathy because he keeps trolling us, with silhouettes, offscreens and more questions/mysteries and trolly/evasive answers and such. He's dragging out and overconvoluting the story too much for his own good too especially.
Yeah, I really think he needs someone to help him drawing, but I've heard he wants to do everything himself no matter what. He's obssessed with having full control over his work like that. He drew the main capital of Wano at least twice despite how massive and insanely detailed it is, I remember him commenting about it before and the more he drags the story out, the more has to draw, plan, write and such and it must be extremely taxing on him!
There were some major issues pre TS too but it was never this bad especially as arcs were much shorters. Its hard to believe arcs were anywhere from a quarter of Wano's length at least to 40-50 chapters at max I think? Much shorter and sweeter is better, I never felt the pre TS arcs were underwhelming due to their length and content BUT Wano especially, Dressrosa, WCI have all felt extremely dragged out and Wano has been the most notorious for all the cockteasing, wasted hype and dragging out of the story and sluggish, incosistent pacing too.
Oda is the kind of guy to take on that whole burden himself and never ask for help but its so self destructive in the long run. He's been hospitalised twice at least whilst writing One Piece and he's slowly killing himself over time. He's a father of two but was sleeping around 3 hours a day before, barely got to see wife and children too and he's missing out so much in their lives especially his daughters growing up.
I don't want Oda to end up prematurely passing away before OP finishes, I want him to complete his life's work and ideally at a not rushed especially forcibly rushed to an extreme pace like Bleach was too. The more he drags things out, the more he is tempting fate and thus death itself too. He's still destroying his health but not as much as before too. Other mangaka have severely destroyed their health by doing far less than Oda is, just looking at Togashi and Kubo for example.
I'm scared, the more OP continues to slothfully proceed to the end, the more we increase the likelihood of a Miura and Berserk situation, where Oda won't be around to see the end of his own story and finish it (which makes an ironic sort of parallel to Roger) and someone else (Luffy) may have to accomplish what he failed to do, Roger died a little young too of an incuracle, unknown disease too! Only 6 years older than current Oda!
This might just sound like paranoia ofc but it's still a very real possibility too. I really wish Oda would stop being so stubborn and selfish and share his burden as you said before it's too late for him and us too.
As much as I complain about him and the story, I also just want the best for him and I cannot in good faith believe he is still not endangering himself with how he's carrying on atm.
Araki went monthly with Jojo and it seems to have benefitted him, the writing is better although the pacing is more brutal but it also more refined too generally. I can't see OP ever going monthly but my god it would make such a difference imo. But only if Oda also realises he has to compromise and thus cut things out to make it work in the first place and given how adverse he is to compromising and thus slacking and cutting things out now, I doubt he will do it, he will still do the same amount of content but just take MUCH longer to do it because it's monthly now LMFAO! Sigh.
Oda wanted to travel the world when he's 50 in 3 years time and I realy want to see him succeed. I could see One Piece ending in 3 years if necessary but I know a LOT of people, the MASS of the community will not like that at all, they will outrage HARD but that shows they are more selfish about the story and Oda and don't really care for him. For his own sake, he should end the story in 3 years and I genuinely, strongly believe it's absolutely possible too, even if it won't be the "best" or most "conclusive" ending too. Some things are also just more important than "a truly satisfying story and ending" or even trying to be the biggest, the best, the most ultimate writer and have your story be the same.
Oda can only keep inflating, swelling that "balloon" before it truly bursts and there's no going back then.
In some ways I feel Oda is trying to do everything within this arc too and I can't blame him in some ways. The story might accelerate suddenly soon and given we've yet to see Vegapunk, SSG, the Revolutionaries properly, Enel on the moon and what he discovered, Urouge and Bonney, Kumas arc, Mihawks arc, Croc in the new world, what will happen to Doffy, Shanks arc, Blackbeard arc and so on, things are going to get SO CHAOTIC and escalate so extremely from here!
We might just hit a breakneck speed for the story soon with all there is left to uncover, see and thus deal with tbh!
(Apologies for the wall of text but this is such a passionate, concerning subject for me.)