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Argonauts, roll out!

Did you get any feedback related to diving in the Abyss?

I didn't get anything.
We are spending this DP in the floor that you said last NP.

Basically at night you descended, and during the day you're exploring it, so it's a whole cycle kind of action.

Then while you are in the floor you are in now you may choose to discuss with other people to delve with next night - etc. etc.



Argonauts, roll out!
Your leader is going to observe for now. Posting is making her tired. If you wish to ask her anything, tag your leader and she shall address any concerns.

Give it your all!

If you're gonna keep this up I'm gonna think you've got things to hide.

I did say my gut was you're town, but with comments like these..

It's starting to ping me


AL sama

Red Haired
I say we should move on from Muugen and Ekko for the time being. Their fates can be decided in the coming council meeting. It'd be easier and more efficient to directly focus on them there. Let's put our attention on those who aren't council members for this day phase. I believe that's a better use of our time.

Not to say don't bring up sus stuff about Muu/Ekko or question them, just they're not the right lynch for this phase.
I disagree

if We lynch one of them this phase the the council will have much more info to go with

Kagu Nyan

✨✨✨Hibernation mode on 🎵 ✨✨✨
@Kagura Za Warudo You have over 200 posts. Why do you feel that your activity hasn't been that great?
You are right about that. My activity hasn’t been great so far. Like last day I was mostly talking about the delving part and now I’m just observing things as they are talking. But I have missed a LOT of posts and the mere thought of reading all those is making me nauseous.

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
If I understand it correctly, we are currently delving as we speak by posting.

We are spending this DP in the floor that you said last NP.

Basically at night you descended, and during the day you're exploring it, so it's a whole cycle kind of action.

Then while you are in the floor you are in now you may choose to discuss with other people to delve with next night - etc. etc.

Got it. Thanks.

So it's more or less like I said right?

If we hit the correct post count number, we get a chance to get an artifact
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