General & Others Oden was a shit leader and deserved to die



Why are people defending this acting as if he just made a simple mistake. His dumb, retardedness made all of Wano suffer for 20 whole years. As far as im concerned, Kaido should add veggies to the boiling pot to make this even sweeter
You know calling out dumb, inconsistent gets you nowhere. I mean whats the point and why the heck are you so frustrusted relax and enjoy the manga . You expect all answers to be given in weekly chapter also we are away from finishing flashback .

I think you should take a break for a while and wait till volume release . You are just becoming salty or obessed this is what ruins fan communities.


I will never forgive Oda
Again, it's the inaction of Oden or the weird trust he places in two people who warrant zero trust that's the issue. Oden shouldn't be blindly expecting someone who spent their life lying, stealing, and cheating to the position of Shogun to honor their deal. I'm fine with Oden miscalculating, or Oden being naive and believing the best of people—but this is a new level of stupidity Oda forced on Oden. No functioning person should decide to move forward with no follow up or alternative action.

Flaws are fine. Flaws are what Oden needed. But this wasn't realistic in the least. No one is this dumb, naive or what have you. Poor writing is poor writing, can't just ignore it because it's coming from One Piece.
Funny thing even i dont understand. Churchill was racist and he liked hitler untill German invaded british airspace. :milaugh:
It's utterly wrong to say Churchill was in support of Hitler. I'm 90% certain he was an early opponent of Hitler's, ahead of his time when it came to advocating for harsher actions against Germany of the 1930s.

On 23 October 1937, Churchill replied to Lord Londonderry (Gilbert, Churchill: A Life, 581):

You cannot expect English people to be attracted by the brutal intolerances of Nazidom, though these may fade with time. On the other hand, we all wish to live on friendly terms with Germany. We know that the best Germans are ashamed of the Nazi excesses, and recoil from the paganism on which they are based. We certainly do not wish to pursue a policy inimical to the legitimate interests of Germany, but you must surely be aware that when the German Government speaks of friendship with England, what they mean is that we shall give them back their former Colonies, and also agree to their having a free hand so far as we are concerned in Central and Southern Europe. This means that they would devour Austria and Czechoslovakia as a preliminary to making a gigantic middle-Europe bloc. It would certainly not be in our interest to connive at such policies of aggression. It would be wrong and cynical in the last degree to buy immunity for ourselves at the expense of the smaller countries of Central Europe. It would be contrary to the whole tide of British and United States opinion for us to facilitate the spread of Nazi tyranny over countries which now have a considerable measure of democratic freedom.

Churchill spent much of the 1930s warning about the dangers of Nazi Germany and working on a biography of his illustrious ancestor, the first Duke of Marlborough. The Duke had led a coalition against a dominant and aggressive European superpower (Louis XIV's France). This cartoon shows that others saw a parallel in Churchill's similar approach toward Germany's Adolf Hitler. Churchill also was concerned about Hitler's anti-Semitic actions and rhetoric. This letter to Churchill from a fellow Conservative member of Parliament, Robert Boothby, describes Boothby's meeting with Hitler and asks about “the Jewish question.” It reveals concern about the Nazis, and perhaps something about latent anti-Semitism in the British establishment—a view not shared by Churchill. Churchill later arranged for a similar meeting with Hitler in Germany in 1932, but the Nazi leader failed to appear.

Racist? Probably—He was a man of the 19th century afterall. But going back just two generations and you'll find nearly every world leader or prominent historical figure was prejudice in ways we wouldn't accept today.
would you support Oden if he was the leader of your country? If so why?
My country is a democratic republic, not a monarchy where 1 individual decides things. Furthermore, Oden was not the leader of Wano, his daddy was. And he himself had no interest in being the leader of Wano. The other guy who would've been the leader of Wano was Yasu, and even he didn't become one.

The last leader of Wano was Oden's father. Oden had no "leader" obligation to Wano. He had some leader obligation to Kuri at best, and even then he raised it from a hell hole into a prosperous district. Expecting him to hold everybody's hand in kuri would just be wanting him to be a slave to the state.

If I was a citizen of Wano, I would support Oden in his decision. As his decision would've ended things without any need for a destructive war. The person I would hold accountable for Wano not being relieved of Orochi & Kaido, would be whoever betrayed Oden.
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Oden shouldn't be blindly expecting someone who spent their life lying, stealing, and cheating to the position of Shogun to honor their deal.
Except he didn't do it blindly. The promise was being kept, and he made sure to check if it was being kept. The first instance the promise got broken incident with old man Hyo, he took action.
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Again, it's the inaction of Oden or the weird trust he places in two people who warrant zero trust that's the issue. Oden shouldn't be blindly expecting someone who spent their life lying, stealing, and cheating to the position of Shogun to honor their deal. I'm fine with Oden miscalculating, or Oden being naive and believing the best of people—but this is a new level of stupidity Oda forced on Oden. No functioning person should decide to move forward with no follow up or alternative action.

Flaws are fine. Flaws are what Oden needed. But this wasn't realistic in the least. No one is this dumb, naive or what have you. Poor writing is poor writing, can't just ignore it because it's coming from One Piece.

It's utterly wrong to say Churchill was in support of Hitler. I'm 90% certain he was an early opponent of Hitler's, ahead of his time when it came to advocating for harsher actions against Germany of the 1930s.

Racist? Probably—He was a man of the 19th century afterall. But going back just two generations and you'll find nearly every world leader or prominent historical figure was prejudice in ways we wouldn't accept today.
You are overthinking on odens action. He was potrayed exactly the way he was naive and brash. I d agree he made mistakes the point is oda wanted to show oden was flawed from the beginning of chapter .

I dont exactly understand your point on poor writing. He did what best avaliable to him . People started hating because of it . Only thing we can come to common point he did not ask for help . Oda showed this very flaw in those 5 years kaido was able to decent force and oden was too late to act.

I would say 5 years seems decent because it gave enough space for kaido and orochi to recruit forces outside of wano.

We still have kaidos backstory i hope those queries of 5 years timeline will tie up.

Okay i agree somewhat on churchill i tack it back.
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would you support Oden if he was the leader of your country? If so why?
If oden was shogun the kaido incident would never happen that ends your question there.
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Tell me how many people have died in the 20 years post Oden's death?
What tragedies had the people of Wano go through in Udon, leftover town etc.?

What are a couple hundred deaths in comparison to that WHEN they had the biggest chance to free the country, but Oden rather chose to dance like a retard giving his enemies years to get stronger while he's loosing his potential allies with each passing week.

You're right, this forum holds a bunch of idiots only because they don't praise oda for this shit tier writing
I still don't get why you people are mad about? He was a samurai and for him the promise of an other warrior was like a contract this is what he believed this is bushido. With out his death we would not have this arc.

You are making a parallel with fucking Churchill a real person form the real world with the creation of a man that has a story going on
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fuck me how would you fell if I was to tell you that Churchill had some correspondence with Mussolini where he tried to make him go on his side before Italy joined the war
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My god so much fucking negativity in this fandom if you don-t like the series you can stop from reading it don't destroy the fun of the others because you are salty about things
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You can't win
The viz is out and from what it's said, Oden tried to fight Kaido after hearing what happened to the hostage until Orochi made a bargain suggestion, with him hearing Orochi's side of story and thus partially also decided to do what he did as an apology to what happened to the Kurozumi clan

It wasn't just a simple matter of victory or defeat.

- They had the upperhand with the hostages, emotionally weakening him
- There was the cycle of hatred between Kurozumi, Kozuki and Wano he wanted to break

And despite this, he was still checking if they concurred to the deal by seeing if everyone was ok, with a 5year timelimit he could still have used to free as much hostages as possible before eventually taking them out if need be, if they broke the deal, which happened when they killed Hyogoro's wife

And in Oden's mind, it's likely he thought he could take them out at any time. What he miscalculated though is that they'd use this time to increase their forces, and eventhen, he could still have succeeded if they didn't use a hostage fake out once again

MD Zolo

Ultimately it is difficult to fight against opponents who are agents of vengeance with no restraint.

Furthermore, Orochi killed two people with arrow just at that moment, showing that he had no remorse for killing anyone.

It is a paradox, I guess 50% of people would count their losses and go on full attack while the other 50% would go for a peaceful negotiation. Didn't peg Oden to be one of the second group.
Also every time he did the dance a hundred prisoners were freed. It wasn't just a hundred hostages Orochi had, it was thousands, and every time he danced there was tangible results with a hundred being set free.
Hard to say such.

Is not like he's allowed to enter the factories ,go to the ports, prison ,etc .

( The red scarbads didn't note thousands of people dissapeared? Vital information for Oden!)

MD Zolo

Hard to say such.

Is not like he's allowed to enter the factories ,go to the ports, prison ,etc .

( The red scarbads didn't note thousands of people dissapeared? Vital information for Oden!)
It is clearly stated. It is not up for debate. And Kin'emon already stated that people were being forced to be slaves basically, so thousands of people (25000 to be exact) going missing wouldn't be noticed any more than it already was.


You can't win
Also every time he did the dance a hundred prisoners were freed. It wasn't just a hundred hostages Orochi had, it was thousands, and every time he danced there was tangible results with a hundred being set free.
And he did it once a week for 5years(with a year having roughly 52weeks)

So that means they had more than 26000hostages