Really ???
Shin would die if he were in Moutens position
Shin would die if he were in Moutens position
Shin is just a character to make the manga look amazing with artist and acrobatic actions thats all
Without Karyo Ten Shin would have been annihilated on the spot he can thank god he is the MC otherwise thats hilarious
Who did layout the fighting plan ??? Not Shin
Who is coordinating the whole field ?? not Shin
Who is coordinating the whole field ?? not Shin
The author highlights just one spot and you think thats all there are fighting thousands of men there Shin is pretty much insignificant to that scale
He cant lay out a battle plan from Zero
he cant coordinate an army soley
Forget the generals in shukai plans
Heki would annihilate Shin
he cant coordinate an army soley
Forget the generals in shukai plans
Heki would annihilate Shin