Marco did state that is part is done
He might still do some utility stuff

But he came into the battle very clearer with the intent to assist a bit but not join in completely
But who knows
If Big Mom got defeated in this chapter, and if she got defeated in a bs way like ptsd then I'm done trying to defend Oda's writing for this arc and Big Mom as a character.

If she is truly defeated, Big Mom will become the worst Yonko for me and she will go from my second favorite Yonko to least favorite.
How can anyone like Big Mom

by far the worst yonko, it’s not surprising she ranks lower than the other villains in the popularity poll


Kitetsu Wanker
You know Oda screwed up when Lidd's metal throws are being compared to someone from multiple arcs back
That's how bad Lidd's moveset is. :milaugh:
That's how good lord Pica is, dont blame him for Kidd's shortcomings. :lusalty:
Time is on Pica's side. People thought everyone coming after would be able to outdo him.
People thought wrong. :goyea:

As far as I remember Ikkoku wasn't enough

And no, it's no-sense

Ikoku launched Kidd out of the castle. You think Pica will be bothered at all by that Ikoku? lol
What makes no sense? That 1007 tons mountain will do more damaji than 7 tons bull?
Like it is not possible to argue and here you are, doing it... :crazwhat:
Kidd is at the point of arguing whether Franky Shogun will do more damage than his bull or not.
Forgot about arguing against Pica. He needs 100 times more metal to play in Pica's league.
If he sticks to Pica's combat style that is.