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Vote lynch Muugen

Due to appearing on the council inexplicably with almost no effort in campaigning for that spot, however having a post that clearly implied he will be there. Due to admitting he saved the godmother of the mafia from a kill, and defended that person, who in turn also admitted to having voted for Muugen and trying to explain how Muugen might have ended up on the council.
Since when are u in the game


I never once said it exonerated Muugen. See, my argument isn't Muugen must be town because of this. Just that, it makes little sense for him, buddied with Adam, to act in this way. I'm attacking the argument why he's scum, not defending him as being Town.

I see you're applying some ad hoc rationale, Ultra. The lynch redirect occurred before Muugen defended him in the Council Night chat - which is common sense, because Night comes after the lynch. Therefore, your argument here is invalid.
What do you think now that @fuji
Good news flying by

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!​

I have incredible news for ya'll, oh it's so marvelous i'm excited *giggles*

But first, let me praise everyone, seeing all this activity in the thread so far is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, I can't believe everyone is so chatty it's amazing, I love it and hope you keep it up teehee

Now then, lets get to the good news of today, shall we? Since more than half of the players managed to place a vote, and I'm genuinely surprised, the punishment from my previous announcement won't be taking place, good job on that *giggles*

Moving on to the rumors and fun part, now this is going to be amazing you better grab your popcorn!!

There's rumors flying around saying that a few players have been naughty, tsk tsk tsk
What they've been doing you might be wondering, well let me tell you that low activity, no contribution to scumhunting and acting scummy in general isn't looking very good.

Ratchet, Rhea Calliope,
Arondight, Baba,
Jinri, Cinera,
Kiwipom, Xlaw,
Destroya, Naomi​

Maybe you've come across those players already and wondered what's the deal with them, around these parts acting scummy, putting in no or low effort is simply scandalous!!

Let me help you put them back in place *giggles*

If they fail to make at least 30 contributive posts today, and i mean scumhunting, giving scum reads, etc. they'll have an additional +3 votes cast against them by the end of the Day. Doesn't that sound awesome? I'm so excited to see how it goes teehee

I guess it's time for us to have a bit more fun and for me to announce the Word of the Day: it is bird. Impress me with your poems and the best one will win a prize, Good Luck!

Stay tuned for more rumors and fun!!

I was the first to vote beky and sus, before al sama attacked him and dragomir placed vote :rosismile:

and egg thing sounds like scum!

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