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Argonauts, roll out!
Don’t be irritating like that. Meant todayish, just seems everyone keeps saying their actions failed on their target.
Again, sorry for being irritating, but like there have been people saying their actions failed, there has been like 2 or 3 actions that nobody has mentioned that shows up in the WUs, so I think it's more about perspective.

Like you're gonna hear the majority of actions that failed, people don't neccesarily say their action went through unless there's a reason for it.

I know for a fact that my actions went through for example, Flower I'm sure is more than happy to attest to that, lmao


Argonauts, roll out!
Tell me dear Julius.
I don't even know where to begin

But I think we can summarize it with Muugen potentially outing Lind as his teammate

They're obviously trying to scrable to say it's not so.

But yeah, not looking too good for lind here lmao.


Lind claims he knows Zem tanked Superkill after Muugen allegedly sent one at her

Zem claims this is BS

Muugen said that he disabled Zems passive so it made no sense why he tanked Lind's SK

key point being Lind never said he sent an SK, and he keeps denying that he has one.

There are more around it, but this is like the core of the main beef rn.
Again, sorry for being irritating, but like there have been people saying their actions failed, there has been like 2 or 3 actions that nobody has mentioned that shows up in the WUs, so I think it's more about perspective.

Like you're gonna hear the majority of actions that failed, people don't neccesarily say their action went through unless there's a reason for it.

I know for a fact that my actions went through for example, Flower I'm sure is more than happy to attest to that, lmao
Congrats. But your Julius no one stopping you
I don't even know where to begin

But I think we can summarize it with Muugen potentially outing Lind as his teammate

They're obviously trying to scrable to say it's not so.

But yeah, not looking too good for lind here lmao.


Lind claims he knows Zem tanked Superkill after Muugen allegedly sent one at her

Zem claims this is BS

Muugen said that he disabled Zems passive so it made no sense why he tanked Lind's SK

key point being Lind never said he sent an SK, and he keeps denying that he has one.

There are more around it, but this is like the core of the main beef rn.
Besides the passive disabling part aint that the same stuff that happened yesterday?
I don't even know where to begin

But I think we can summarize it with Muugen potentially outing Lind as his teammate

They're obviously trying to scrable to say it's not so.

But yeah, not looking too good for lind here lmao.


Lind claims he knows Zem tanked Superkill after Muugen allegedly sent one at her

Zem claims this is BS

Muugen said that he disabled Zems passive so it made no sense why he tanked Lind's SK

key point being Lind never said he sent an SK, and he keeps denying that he has one.

There are more around it, but this is like the core of the main beef rn.

I think I know where my confusion stems from earlier - when Muugen made that post, I thought when he said "SK", he meant Serial Killer.


Argonauts, roll out!
Besides the passive disabling part aint that the same stuff that happened yesterday?
I don't know what day it is


But yeah, the main point of interest is Muugen knowing Lind has a SK.

And when confronted about it he wasn't sure how to respond.

After lind himself came with a possible solution he was basically like "connect the dots lmao"

I'm really dumbing the whole thing down, since there's been a lot of discussion around it.

But now Lind says he knows Muugens rolesheet - his alignment and is pleading to stop Muugen's lynch

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