Powers & Abilities Law's Puncture Wille

Garp the Fist

Puncture Wille acts like a huge lightning rod channelling it through the person causing massive damage to both them and the surrounding area. Law's able to use his DF to make powerful electrical attacks.

It's a terrible idea to use it in an airborne island surrounded by your own allies. First of all, the discharge would damage everyone around him, including maybe Law himself.

Second of all, the discharge, as we've seen, takes a big chunk out of the surroundings. Which would be bad because it could blow out the bottom of Onigashima and cause a load of people, including allies, to fall to their deaths. Would also blow up the armoury but I don't think Law knows about that.

So instead, Law digs his sword deep underground, which acts as a lightning rod and channels all the power onwards and through the person it hits, so they are the only one damaged.
Puncture Wille acts like a huge lightning rod channelling it through the person causing massive damage to both them and the surrounding area. Law's able to use his DF to make powerful electrical attacks.

It's a terrible idea to use it in an airborne island surrounded by your own allies. First of all, the discharge would damage everyone around him, including maybe Law himself.

Second of all, the discharge, as we've seen, takes a big chunk out of the surroundings. Which would be bad because it could blow out the bottom of Onigashima and cause a load of people, including allies, to fall to their deaths. Would also blow up the armoury but I don't think Law knows about that.

So instead, Law digs his sword deep underground, which acts as a lightning rod and channels all the power onwards and through the person it hits, so they are the only one damaged.
Thanks :sweat:
Puncture Wille acts like a huge lightning rod channelling it through the person causing massive damage to both them and the surrounding area. Law's able to use his DF to make powerful electrical attacks.

It's a terrible idea to use it in an airborne island surrounded by your own allies. First of all, the discharge would damage everyone around him, including maybe Law himself.

Second of all, the discharge, as we've seen, takes a big chunk out of the surroundings. Which would be bad because it could blow out the bottom of Onigashima and cause a load of people, including allies, to fall to their deaths. Would also blow up the armoury but I don't think Law knows about that.

So instead, Law digs his sword deep underground, which acts as a lightning rod and channels all the power onwards and through the person it hits, so they are the only one damaged.
Could Puncture Wille be the final blow if used to its full potential?

Garp the Fist

Could Puncture Wille be the final blow if used to its full potential?
I don’t think so, I think Big Mom took all the damage from the attack. And that didn’t knock her out. Digging the sword into the earth just stops the aftermath from blowing up everything else around her.

Could be entirely wrong though, we don’t know enough about the attack to say.
So the air makes smoke comes out of the victims mouth?
The Kanji for it is "衝撃波動"/"Shogeki Hado".

The first 3/4 Kanji (衝撃波) Shogekiha mean "shock wave". (the last two mean wave)

Best example I can think of is a plane breaking the sound barrier

That smoke is called a "vapor cone". Honestly, it's just an overpowered version of Apoo and Killer's attacks. It's air pressure (sound) based

It’s basically a massively amped version of injection shot. Very little difference in the abilities. It’s only addition seemly, now it can bypass durability directly attacking u from within the target aswell as exteriorly. By using combining it with Kroom. I somewhat touched on its effects earlier on Kaido. But I’ll go step by step. The feat technically proves Meme durability>Kaido.

Injection Shot

  • First thing to notice is Laws sword doesn’t bypass doffy body. It’s shots out an external force.​
  • Second thing u should notice, theres blood coming from the front/back of doffy wound.​
  • Third thing to notice is the impact lines/smoke around the characters/Attack. Aswell as the distance between doffy/an laws blade at the start/Finish of the attack.

    Puncture shockwave
Ok so firstly what’s pencture shockwave purpose/doing?? To be put simply, its in the name. The attacks just a plain piercing attack. In the form of air pressure/shockwave. It’s Shot out with enough force to blow thro an islands worth of bedrock!!! It also now seemly has some explosion type affect at the tip of the blade. With island lvl DC.

In functionality it’s no different then injection shot. Besides the obvious massive attack power increase. It’s uniqueness comes from its ability to combine it with kroom. that’s the distinguishing factors between the 2 feats
Law extending his blade/an it’s ability to bypass durability not puncture shockwave. those are the main functions of “Kroom”. Which is a basically awakened Amputee. Similar to how Law attacks can cut anything, kroom can Pierce anything. The blade extension just fluff to match amputee Mountain range + Aoe.​
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Puncture Wille acts like a huge lightning rod channelling it through the person causing massive damage to both them and the surrounding area. Law's able to use his DF to make powerful electrical attacks.
Countershock equivalent is shockwille, this attack has nothing to do with electricity. Where that coming from??
It's a terrible idea to use it in an airborne island surrounded by your own allies. First of all, the discharge would damage everyone around him, including maybe Law himself.
The Attack can be fired in a single direction. Similar to injection shot, So Law an allies should be good for the most part in theory. As long as there on the opposite side it’s fired on.

pretty good take on things!! Though the electricity, actually just some form of pressure. This attacks whole purpose is to penetrate the opponent. See Kaido/Doffy for example. Meme durability just top 1, so she tanks. By Comparison Hybrid Kaido coughing up blood to injection shot. Which is vastly inferior to the current attack.
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It’s basically a massively amped version of injection shot. Very little difference in the abilities. It’s only addition seemly, now it can bypass durability directly attacking u from within the target aswell as exteriorly. By using combining it with Kroom. I somewhat touched on its effects earlier on Kaido. But I’ll go step by step. The feat technically proves Meme durability>Kaido.

Injection Shot

  • First thing to notice is Laws sword doesn’t bypass doffy body. It’s shots out an external force.​
  • Second thing u should notice, theres blood coming from the front/back of doffy wound.​
  • Third thing to notice is the impact lines/smoke around the characters/Attack. Aswell as the distance between doffy/an laws blade at the start/Finish of the attack.

    Puncture shockwave
Ok so firstly what’s pencture shockwave purpose/doing?? To be put simply, its in the name. The attacks just a plain piercing attack. In the form of air pressure/shockwave. It’s Shot out with enough force to blow thro an islands worth of bedrock!!! It also now seemly has some explosion type affect at the tip of the blade. With island lvl DC.

In functionality it’s no different then injection shot. Besides the obvious massive attack power increase. It’s uniqueness comes from its ability to combine it with kroom. that’s the distinguishing factors between the 2 feats
Law extending his blade/an it’s ability to bypass durability not puncture shockwave. those are the main functions of “Kroom”. Which is a basically awakened Amputee. Similar to how Law attacks can cut anything, kroom can Pierce anything. The blade extension just fluff to match amputee Mountain range + Aoe.​

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Countershock equivalent is shockwille, this attack has nothing to do with electricity. Where that coming from??
The Attack can be fired in a single direction. Similar to injection shot, So Law an allies should be good for the most part in theory. As long as there on the opposite side it’s fired on.

pretty good take on things!! Though the electricity, actually just some form of pressure. This attacks whole purpose is to penetrate the opponent. See Kaido/Doffy for example. Meme durability just top 1, so she tanks. By Comparison Hybrid Kaido coughing up blood to injection shot. Which is vastly inferior to the current attack.
wow cool

so room: counter shock -->awakened upgrade --> kroom: shock will
room: injection shot, -->awakened upgrade --> kroom: puncture will

interesting that there's a naming scheme with "will" so far on these two attacks.

what's your take on anesthesia? i think anesthesia can paralyze/render immobile, or at least not be felt until it's too late, because Big Mom didnt move the first two times Law pierced her.

i don't think the sword extension is fluff, though. it seems like it might be property altering. which maybe can extend to other objects, too. he should be able to apply it to other things.
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It’s basically a massively amped version of injection shot. Very little difference in the abilities. It’s only addition seemly, now it can bypass durability directly attacking u from within the target aswell as exteriorly. By using combining it with Kroom. I somewhat touched on its effects earlier on Kaido. But I’ll go step by step. The feat technically proves Meme durability>Kaido.

Injection Shot

  • First thing to notice is Laws sword doesn’t bypass doffy body. It’s shots out an external force.​
  • Second thing u should notice, theres blood coming from the front/back of doffy wound.​
  • Third thing to notice is the impact lines/smoke around the characters/Attack. Aswell as the distance between doffy/an laws blade at the start/Finish of the attack.

    Puncture shockwave
Ok so firstly what’s pencture shockwave purpose/doing?? To be put simply, its in the name. The attacks just a plain piercing attack. In the form of air pressure/shockwave. It’s Shot out with enough force to blow thro an islands worth of bedrock!!! It also now seemly has some explosion type affect at the tip of the blade. With island lvl DC.

In functionality it’s no different then injection shot. Besides the obvious massive attack power increase. It’s uniqueness comes from its ability to combine it with kroom. that’s the distinguishing factors between the 2 feats
Law extending his blade/an it’s ability to bypass durability not puncture shockwave. those are the main functions of “Kroom”. Which is a basically awakened Amputee. Similar to how Law attacks can cut anything, kroom can Pierce anything. The blade extension just fluff to match amputee Mountain range + Aoe.​

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Countershock equivalent is shockwille, this attack has nothing to do with electricity. Where that coming from??
The Attack can be fired in a single direction. Similar to injection shot, So Law an allies should be good for the most part in theory. As long as there on the opposite side it’s fired on.

pretty good take on things!! Though the electricity, actually just some form of pressure. This attacks whole purpose is to penetrate the opponent. See Kaido/Doffy for example. Meme durability just top 1, so she tanks. By Comparison Hybrid Kaido coughing up blood to injection shot. Which is vastly inferior to the current attack.
That's cool, so maybe if Law fights an opponent with normal body hardness (like Shanks, Mihawk, admirals) then he could use this kroom attack to do a mid-range attack instead of doing the anesthesia? I mean, the power seems to repel from the tip of the sword, so Law can perform a huge range direct attack with the kroom, just like he does with injection shot