More people should be discussing this tbh.
I know I'm town so apart from me..
So on this list I think Gram and Naomi is my strongest town reads.
I like Light, Fuji and Broki as well
That leaves;
Zem, Ekko, Ultra, Nick, Lind, Juliet, Yae and Dr_Prof.
Zem claims to be scanning inno, which is probably not a lie, since it can be easily checked - doesn't mean she can't be anti-town however.
Ekko and lind are probably also probably not the ones either.
So if I had to guess it would be between Nick, Juliet, Yae and Dr_Prof.
Nick is janitored and dead, so it's hard to say.
So by PoE, I think it's between Juliet, Yae and Dr_Prof.
So for now I think I'll put a vote on Dr_Prof
Vote Lynch Dr_Prof