Oda must hate Kidd man. Like he had one job.
This doesn't change anything for Law, if Kidd had an "island lvl" attack of his own he wouldn't need those bombs to do what Law could already do.
This is literally just Oda picking on Kidd at this point, but at the same time its only logical, Kidd has no notable haki, and he's not Law who gets to bypass Big Mom's durability completely. So it's no wonder Oda had to hold his hand this entire fight. Oda does care enough for powerscaling to not bend logic that far.
The issue is he didn't even make his attacks look devastating even from a DC perspective, he somehow managed to give Law that too....that's awful treatment. Hopefully it looks better than it sounds.
The only upside is Kidd's awakening is great. It has tons of applications and if Kidd masters it to the level of Kat and Mingo he'll comfortably be top tier no doubt, its gonna be broken. But as of rn this was just an absolute carry fest. Kidd needs to tattoo Law's symbol on his back and pay him royalties everytime someone gives him Yonkou lvl clout.
As for BM she looks pretty bad either way because she lost the fight and didn't get back up as people hoped, it just took bombs to finish her off instead of Kidd. Oda basically made up for Kidds lack of AP with bombs.
3 takeaways from this fight.
-Law is a monster, never doubt him again.
-Kidd got exposed, he showed up on the roof with no bag (it's no wonder Killer thought they were losing before Luffy showed he could damage Kaidou with a punch)
-BM is a cemented meme, but theres no doubt she's an absolute tank.
How Oda managed to make both BM and Kidd look bad this chapter is beyond me, but here we are. Hopefully it's drawn well atleast.