General & Others All Wano SN were jokes

Not counting Luffy Zoro and Law (since they were relevant before Wano), all the SN that gained relevance this arc were done dirty. I would say bar Apoo, but he had the least expectations going for him.

Oda was relentless on making Drake look like utter trash. Hawkins was as irrelevant as Smoothie. Midd jobbed at everything and was carried throughout. Killer really accomplished nothing of note at all.

Again Apoo was the only one who didnt look awful tbh. But then again he had zero expectations in comparison to the 4 mentioned above....which makes me think Oda purposely embrasses people who have high expectations to subvert the viewers.

I mean he did once say that if the readers deem someone as weak....he will go out of his way to make them look stronger. Im pretty sure the opposite of that is true as well.
Nah the joke was that some people for some reason thought they’d all get strong when they point of the supernova were to show that even the biggest rookies can fall off in the new world.
Yeah I'm pretty sure Oda said he expected half the supernovas to just drop out of the New World or something

As for the OP:
I also think it's a matter of not everything being about power-levels. Every SN was able to survive in a different way, more or less.

People like Luffy, Zoro and Kid like going the straightforward way of just bulldozing through their enemies.

Law and Killer seem to want to be more calculated in their approaches, although they have no problem facing people head-on if it comes down to it.

Bege went the route of sabotaging his enemy from within, while Hawkins and Apoo tried to survive by playing the winning side

I agree that Drake was kinda treated poorly but he's also a marine spy so he doesn't completely count as a SN anymore


X Drake is the biggest joke of the arc
Why? Because he was "betrayed" by Who's Who and Queen? "Betrayed" by Apoo? Because he couldn't defeat Apoo?

Apoo is a fucking legend since he easily knocked out Luffy and was handling 1v2 against X-Drake and Zoro. You guys downplay Apoo for no reason because you ignore his FEATS. Apoo easily YC1 or even higher.

X-Drake doesn't look good but also doesn't look bad. To me he went down by 1v2 against CP-0 since Apoo ran away and that Numbers was good for nothing in that fight.
Some Supernova weren't meant to be super strong or impressive. Others quite honestly were and some weren't even pushed to their limits.

I'm a Hawkins fans and hoped for a tougher fight that went past the use of hostages but ultimately that's how Hawkins fights. He simply doesn't have what it takes to make it far in the New World without bending the knee begrudgingly. Killer vs Hawkins simply displayed that the rooftop 5 are just different and they're the leaders of the New Generation. Killer took some Big Mom attacks, still kept going then decimated Hawkins when his dolls were out of the picture (still a tough fight since all's fair in a battle between pirates).

For Killer, it was great, he was only fatigued/injured because his captain was a hostage though Oda could've made Hawkins put up more of a fight and display impressive stuff with his Straw-Man and cards, in my opinion to make both look better (Hawkins by showing he's a capable fighter past just his title as a Supernova and Killer for beating him relatively easily).

Luffy, Zoro and Law's performances speak for themselves. Apoo was definitely the one that impressed me most since he's still up after all he's taken. Perhaps someone will put him down or he'll make it through the whole raid with his resilience.

Kid didn't meet some people's expectations but honestly overpowering then later outspeeding a Yonko, sending her flying with repel, attracting her to a wall with such force that she can't simply push it away and drawing blood quite often then pinning her to the ground, forcing her to steal souls, only to bust her through the island floors and have her eyes turn white is pretty impressive.

Kid tanked plenty of hits from her and managed to evade plenty of others. Mama Raid (while Kid had head injuries from Hawkins' doll), physical hits, Ikkoku Sovereignity, Fulgora, he handled all of these in some way. He outsped her to land assign and Damned Punk sent her white-eyed through the floors after she tried taking fodder souls mid-attack but was prevented (by Law). I know the guy didn't have an attack that caused wide-spread destruction but drawing blood from Big Mom is already something plenty of characters can't do, let alone pinning her to the ground then sending her white-eyed to the basement. Kid should've had an attack that did more environmental damage but he was still impressive in my opinion. Easily top 4 regardless of how you twist performances.

As for Drake (and I'm still a big fan and hoping for better treatment), the only hype he had was being a Supernova, being a Flying Six and being a Captain for Sword. Featwise, he disappointed since Oda used him as a hype-tool for CP-0 instead of finishing his bout with Apoo (even if he got up now and finished, it wouldn't redeem him but it'd be better than being KO'd for the rest of the raid). Drake's a spy, he wasn't going to be a rooftop Supernova so that was simply expecting too much but Oda did him a disservice by not giving him notable feats despite being present all raid.

Only ones that truly disappointed me were Hawkins and Drake. Kid didn't quite meet expectations but he did his part.
Why? Because he was "betrayed" by Who's Who and Queen? "Betrayed" by Apoo? Because he couldn't defeat Apoo?

Apoo is a fucking legend since he easily knocked out Luffy and was handling 1v2 against X-Drake and Zoro. You guys downplay Apoo for no reason because you ignore his FEATS. Apoo easily YC1 or even higher.

X-Drake doesn't look good but also doesn't look bad. To me he went down by 1v2 against CP-0 since Apoo ran away and that Numbers was good for nothing in that fight.
Apoo is Joke, who did he take down. Just sneak attacks, and when you know his trick. Dead
It's deliberate from Oda and they won't stay this way

yeah it's obvious Oda is separating the SNs who waited pre TS before going to the NW and the ones who marched right away

but with some character development and a brief time to develop their Haki ( for Kidd ) they will be right on track again

also it's obvious Oda is planning to gather all these SNs in one crew and that's how they will be a threat