Powers & Abilities Correcting a misponcection...


i notice so many one piece fans not able make tiference between a evil fruit and a user of a evil fruit..

what i mean : there could be strong characters with weak evil fruit abiltis or without evil fruit abilitis...or vice vesra ..it could be weak characters with useful or strong evil fruit abilitis...

forexenple bugy..he have very useful and strong evil fruit bara bara...but bugy himself is foder weak..foxy split head from davy back is same thing..

now imagine if u do some kind of switsh where u give bara bara evil fruit or slow time evil fruit ability to whitebeard or akaino..

or imagine if u give gora gora no mi evil fruit to bugy or give mago mago no mi (akaino) to foxy split head...

there are evil fruit that require inteligence rather then strenght in generall...but other evil fruits that require srenght nd cuz many damage..

foexenple unlike gora gora no mi or mago mago nomi.. gomo gomo nomi isn't very powerful or destructiv evil fruit but instead gomo gomo no mi is very fluid nd handy nd requires inteligence...

lufy could survice sinking in sea by swelling himself like baloon nd float on water..

(at some point lufy evil fruit wil become distructiv)..

but anyways..what was i saying?????..

Yeah it al depends on user rather then evil fruit itself..

i notice so many one piece fans not able make tiference between a evil fruit and a user of a evil fruit..

what i mean : there could be strong characters with weak evil fruit abiltis or without evil fruit abilitis...or vice vesra ..it could be weak characters with useful or strong evil fruit abilitis...

forexenple bugy..he have very useful and strong evil fruit bara bara...but bugy himself is foder weak..foxy split head from davy back is same thing..

now imagine if u do some kind of switsh where u give bara bara evil fruit or slow time evil fruit ability to whitebeard or akaino..

or imagine if u give gora gora no mi evil fruit to bugy or give mago mago no mi (akaino) to foxy split head...

there are evil fruit that require inteligence rather then strenght in generall...but other evil fruits that require srenght nd cuz many damage..

foexenple unlike gora gora no mi or mago mago nomi.. gomo gomo nomi isn't very powerful or destructiv evil fruit but instead gomo gomo no mi is very fluid nd handy nd requires inteligence...

lufy could survice sinking in sea by swelling himself like baloon nd float on water..

(at some point lufy evil fruit wil become distructiv)..

but anyways..what was i saying?????..

Yeah it al depends on user rather then evil fruit itself..
When I see your writing style and your avatar, alwaz I'm thinking your are a bot.

No offense, it's interesting.