
It’s not love if a woman loves your possessions. They’re not worth your precious time. Invest your time in trolling Sanjitards
don't think in my years on this earth i have ever seen a woman marry a man who makes less money than her.
But it's best to let this go people don't like man saying things about women that aren't positive even if he uses no insults of any kind.
No, that's just what society wants you to think.
Why is 'manhood' as a concept always being questioned? People say 'this and that makes you a man' and 'that person is not a real man'.
That's bullshit.
Maybe they are right that we need someone else to become a man..If we consider the family as a solar system..It is the mother who plays the role of the sun...She keeps everyone together with her love...I think every man needs a good woman
Or maybe just maybe you know, that says something about women? Nah that cant be they are perfect after all.
Damn, that relationship crap seems to affect you a lot. 😔

Men can be as mean and toxic as women.
When I try to remember the relationships I experienced among relatives or people in my village most of them were trash tbh.